Beverage Co-Packer (Contract Packer) Industry 2022

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140,000 yen ($983.49)
(excluding consumption tax)
280,000 yen ($1,966.98)
(excluding consumption tax)
420,000 yen ($2,950.47)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 142.35 yen , 2024/09/09 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Markets of Beverage and Beverage OEM

Research Target:

Beverage OEMs, Beverage packers, beverage brand owner companies, and beverage container suppliers

Research Content:

Beverage co-packers (Contract Packers) are indispensable in the beverage market. They make efforts to distinct themselves from others to strategically obtain orders from brand owners (i.e., beverage manufacturers), though brand owners are moving toward in-house manufacturing. With the renewal of equipment approaching, they need to decide between new investment and closing unprofitable production lines and giving up renewal. The beverage market, weary from the corona crisis, is showing moves to begin reviving, but the recovery of co-packers is somewhat slow. Still, as each of brand owners are likely to increase manufacturing in association with the market recovery, the roles required for co-packers become important. While efforts after the corona crisis become full-fledged, changes seem to be required on the packers' side. This report covers the moves of co-packers amid and after the corona crisis, and future directions of the market as well as the market players, by interviewing co-packers that differ by region and category.


I   Packer Market Structure and Analysis of Industrial Trends

  1. Structure of Beverage OEM Market
    1) Definition of Beverage OEM Market
    2) Positioning of Beverage OEM in Entire Beverage Market
    3) Transition of Ratio of Beverage OEM in Beverage Market
  2. Trends of Beverage OEMs
  3. Status of Beverage OEM by Category
  4. Future Perspectives of Beverage OEM Market

II   Strategy Analysis at Each Packer and Brand Owners

  1. Strategy and Business Development by Each Packer
  2. Manufacturing Bases at Brand Owners & Packers by Container
    1) PET bottle
    2) Can
    3) Bottle can
    4) Paper
  3. Trend and Manufacturing Strategy at Brand Owners
    1) Packing Strategy by Major Brand Owner
    2) Trend of Capital Investment at Major Brand Owners
  • Company Outline and Manufacturing System at Major Brand Owners
  • 14 major brand owner companies

III   Beverage Market Analysis

  1. Beverage Market Overview
    1) Beverage Market Trend in FY2021
    2) Noteworthy Trend in Beverage Market
    3) Future Perspectives of Beverage Market
  2. Trends of Beverage Containers
    1) Beverage Container Trends in 2021
    2) Trends of Beverage by Container Type (PET bottle, can, paper cup)

IV    Analysis of Leading Market Players

  • Detailed Profiles of 25 Enterprises
  • Brief Profiles of 84 Enterprises


written in Japanese
140,000 yen ($983.49)
(excluding consumption tax)
280,000 yen ($1,966.98)
(excluding consumption tax)
420,000 yen ($2,950.47)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 142.35 yen , 2024/09/09 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type