Printing Companies Analysis 2020

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150,000 yen ($976.88)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($1,953.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($2,930.64)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)


Research Target:

Printing companies, disclosure-related companies, suppliers, equipments and materials of printing, etc.

Research Content:

I   Current Status and Future Perspectives of Printing Industry

  1. Current status and future perspectives of Printing Industry
  • The printing market size in FY2019 diminished the growth rate from previous fiscal year, but the market for FY2020 projected to be in predicament.
  • With the shrinking demand for printing accelerated for the past few years, paper manufacturers have decreased production, and raised the price of printing paper
  • The sales of total listed companies for FY2019 declined, recovery to the level before the collapse of Lehman Brothers has been difficult
  • Total operating profits have increased significantly in FY2019 after decrease in FY2018
  • Majority sees that decreasing demand for printing accelerates due to COVID-19 pandemics
  • Not a long time is left for a drastic reform of the business structure
  1. Trend of Printing Market by Demand Sector
  2. Trend of Printing Market for Soft Packaging and Paper Containers

II   Thorough Analysis of Printing Companies

  1. Big-Two Printing Groups: Toppan Printing and DNP
  2. Second-Tier and Noteworthy Printing Companies
  3. Disclosure-related Companies
  4. Form Printing Companies
  5. Seal Printing Companies

III   Trends in Printing Equipment and Materials

IV   Ranking of Printing Companies

  • Nationwide sales ranking
  • Sales ranking by prefecture

V   Company Profiles 

82 enterprises


written in Japanese
150,000 yen ($976.88)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($1,953.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($2,930.64)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type