Cosmetics Contract Manufacturing, Container and Ingredients Market 2020

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120,000 yen ($838.11)
(excluding consumption tax)
240,000 yen ($1,676.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,514.32)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Cosmetics Contract Manufacturing, Containers and Ingredients

Research Target:

Cosmetics Contract Manufacturers, Cosmetics Container Manufacturers and Dealers, Cosmetics Ingredients Traders

Research Content:

I   Cosmetics Market Trends

  1. FY2018 Total Cosmetics Market in Japan
  2. Transition of Market Size (FY2014-FY2021)
  3. Cosmetics Market by Category
  4. Cosmetics Market by Channel

II   Analysis of Cosmetics Contract Manufacturing Market

  1. Cosmetics Contract Manufacturing Overview
    2)Category (skincare, makeup, hair care)
    3)Overview by channel (by outsourcer (contractor))
  2. Transition of Cosmetics Contract Manufacturing Market Size (FY2015-FY2019)
  3. Market Share of Cosmetics Contract Manufacturers by Category (FY2019)
  4. Strategies of Leading Cosmetics Contract Manufacturers
    1) R&D
    2) Production/quality management
    3) Sales trends, marketing strategies
    4) Future strategies
  5. Future Cosmetics Contract Manufacturing Outlook and Direction
  6. Forecast of Cosmetics Contract Manufacturing Market Size (FY2020-FY2024)
  7. List of Transition of Market Size (FY2015-FY2024)
  8. List of Items Handled by Cosmetics Contract Manufacturing

III   Trends of Cosmetics Containers Market

  1. Cosmetics Containers Market Overview
  2. Tendencies of Adopting Cosmetic Containers
  3. Analysis of Current Cosmetics Containers Market
  4. Trends of Market Players
  5. Analysis of Strategies at Cosmetic Containers Makers and Dealers
  6. Future Perspectives of Cosmetic Containers Market

IV    Trends of Cosmetics Ingredients Market

  1. Cosmetics Ingredients Market Overview
  2. Trends of Cosmetics Ingredients Market Players (Domestic and Overseas Players, Raw Material Dealers)
  3. Transition of Cosmetics Ingredients Market Size
  4. Trend Analysis on Noteworthy Materials
    1) Anti-aging materials analysis
    2) Skin-whitening (brightening) materials analysis
  5. Strategies of Manufacturers/Traders of Cosmetics Ingredients
    1) Major ingredients that they deal in and status
    2) Quality management and R&D
    3) Operation structure, salet trends, and marketing
    4) Market assessment, challenges and solutions
    5) Future market strategies
  6. Outlook on Demand for Cosmetics Ingredients and Market Perspectives

V   Strategies of Leading Market Players:

  • Cosmetics Contract Manufacturers (30 enterprises)
  • Cosmetics Container Manufacturers and Dealers (7 enterprises)
  • Cosmetics Ingredients Manufacturers and Traders (10 enterprises)


written in Japanese
120,000 yen ($838.11)
(excluding consumption tax)
240,000 yen ($1,676.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,514.32)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type