Health Foods Market 2019

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130,000 yen ($907.95)
(excluding consumption tax)
260,000 yen ($1,815.90)
(excluding consumption tax)
390,000 yen ($2,723.84)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Health food and dietary supplements

Research Target:

Manufacturers, wholesalers, door-to-door sales companies, catalog sales companies, retailers, consumers

Research Content:

I   Trends of Health Food

  1. Trends of Health Food Market
  1. Market Trends
  2. Market Overview by Channel
  3. Forecast of Market Size
  1. Product Trends
  1. Trends in Ingredients
  2. Market Trends by Efficacy
  3. Pricing Trends
  1. Noteworthy Market Trends
  1. Market Trends of Sleep Supplement
  2. Market Trends of Supplement that Support Brain Functions
  3. Market Trends of Supplement that Countermeasures Locomotive Syndrome and Sarcopenia
  4. Sports Supplement Market Trends
  5. Trends and Strategies of Overseas Business Development by Japanese Health Food Makers
  1. Market Trend of Foods with Function Claims
  1. Notification Status of Foods with Function Claims
  2. Market Size of Foods with Function Claims, Composition Ratio by Food Type
  3. Trend by Health Application
  4. Trend of Noteworthy Companies, Products
  5. Intention of/Deals by Distributors, Related Businesses
  1. Foods for Specified Health Use (FOSHU)
  1. Transition of Market Size
  2. Market Size by Use
  3. Sales Channels of FOSHU
  1. Laws and Regulations

II   Trends by Distribution Channel

  1. Non-store Retail Sales
  1. Door-to-Door Sales
  2. Other Channel

III   Consumer Survey

Health conditions, any experience of taking FOSHU, awareness of Foods with Function Claims, any experience of taking Foods with Function Claims, use of health food, monthly spending, number of types of health food, purpose to use health food, forms of health food, where to buy, what triggered to take health food, major ingredients of the health food taking, selection factors, source of information on health food

IV   Company Profiles

  1. Door-to-door Sales Companies (8 enterprises)
  2. Mail-Order Companies (8 enterprises)
  3. Store-based Retail Sales Companies (13 enterprises)
  4. Ingredient Suppliers, OEM Contract Manufacturers and Others (1 enterprises)

V    Current Status and Outlook of Health Food

  1. Green Juice (Aojiru)
  2. Agaricus Blazei
  3. Astaxanthin
  4. Alfa-lipoic acid
  5. Alfalfa
  6. Ginkgo Biloba (Ichoha)
  7. Curcuma (Ukon)
  8. L-Carnitine
  9. Siberian Ginseng (Ezoukogi)
  10. Oligosaccharide
  11. Ornithine
  12. Oyster Meat Extract
  13. Nucleic Acid
  14. Calcium
  15. Chitin and Chitosan
  16. Cranberry
  17. Glucosamine
  18. Black Rice Vinegar (Kurozu)/Zhenjiang Vinegar (kouzu)
  19. Chlorella
  20. Yeast Foods
  21. Korean Ginseng
  22. Coenzyme Q10
  23. Collagen
  24. Chondroitin Sulphate
  25. Shark-Liver Oil (squalene)
  26. Shiitake Mushroom Processed Foods
  27. Citrulline
  28. Enzyme
  29. Dietary Fiber (Food Fiber)
  30. Hydrogen Water
  31. Soft-Shelled Turtle (Suppon) Extract
  32. Spirulina
  33. Weight Loss Products
  34. Soybean Isoflavone
  35. DHA/EPA
  36. Chinese Ginseng (Denshichi)
  37. Vegetable Wasp and Plant Worm (Tochukaso)
  38. Lactic Acid Bacilli
  39. Garlic
  40. Herbs
  41. Japanese Plum (Ume/Bainiku) Extract
  42. Hyaluronic acid
  43. Vitamin E and Wheat Germ
  44. Vitamin C
  45. Vitamin B Complex
  46. Placenta
  47. Blueberry (Bilberry)
  48. Prune
  49. Protein
  50. Propolis
  51. Beta-carotene and Vitamin A
  52. Maitake Mushrooms
  53. Maca
  54. Multivitamins
  55. Euglena
  56. Phellinus Linteus (Meshimakobu)
  57. Melatonin
  58. Hericium Erinaceum Pers (Yamabushitake)
  59. Lactoferrin
  60. Green Tea Extract Processed Foods
  61. Lutein
  62. Reishi Mushrooms
  63. Lecithin
  64. Resveratrol
  65. Royal Jelly


written in Japanese
130,000 yen ($907.95)
(excluding consumption tax)
260,000 yen ($1,815.90)
(excluding consumption tax)
390,000 yen ($2,723.84)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type