Beverage Market 2017

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110,000 yen ($775.52)
(excluding consumption tax)
220,000 yen ($1,551.04)
(excluding consumption tax)
330,000 yen ($2,326.57)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)


Research Target:

manufacturers, consumers

Research Content:

I   Trends in Beverage Market

  1. Market Overview
  1. Trends of FY2016 - FY2017 First Half
  2. Trends of leading manufacturers
  3. Trends of industrial alliance, restructuring
  4. Future outlook
  1. Manufacturer Strategies by Distribution Channel
  1. Direct sales
  2. Vending machines
  3. Catalog sales/Home deliveries
  4. Market size by channel
  1. Trends of Beverage Containers
  1. Trends of Beverage Containers in FY2016
  2. Trends of Market by Container
  • Plastic bottles
  • Cans
  • Paper containers
  • Plastic cups (chilled)
  1. Strategies regarding Containers by Manufacturer
  1. Noteworthy Market Environments
  1. Trends of beverages pursuing functionality or health
  2. Market environment surrounding vending machine channel and measures at makers
  3. Trends of demand-rising "Amazake", a traditional sweet, low- or non-alcohol Japanese drink made from fermented rice.
  4. Trends in home-delivered water market

II   Market Trends by Beverage Category

  1. Carbonated beverages
  1. Cola drinks
  2. Other carbonated beverages
  1. Fresh fruit/vegetable juices
  1. Fresh fruit juices (100% fresh juice)
  2. Juices that includes fresh fruit juices (less than 100% of fresh juice)
  3. Vegetable juices
  1. Coffee drinks
  1. Coffee drinks
  1. Tea drinks
  1. Black tea drinks
  2. Japanese tea drinks
  3. Oolong teas
  1. Mineral water
  1. Mineral water
  1. Drinks for Health
  1. Sports and functional drinks
  2. Energy drinks
  1. Milks
  1. Milk beverages
  2. Fermented Milk drinks
  3. Soy milks 
  1. Favoring Beverages
  1. Brewed coffees
  2. Instant coffees
  3. Cocoa

III   Analysis of Consumer Trends

  1. Use of Special Health Food and Foods for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU) by Consumers

IV   Trends of Leading Beverage Manufacturers

32 companies



written in Japanese
110,000 yen ($775.52)
(excluding consumption tax)
220,000 yen ($1,551.04)
(excluding consumption tax)
330,000 yen ($2,326.57)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type