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70,000 yen ($494.07)
(excluding consumption tax)
140,000 yen ($988.14)
(excluding consumption tax)
210,000 yen ($1,482.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.68 yen , 2024/09/18 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Tracheal Intubations and Video Laryngoscopes

Research Target:


Research Content:

Table of Contents

  1. Outline of Research
  1. Research Contents
  2. Research Methodology
  3. Time Frame
  4. Noteworthy Points
  5. Production
  1. Overview of the Tracheal Intubations market
  1. Tracheal Intubations
  2. Adaptation of Tracheal Intubations
  3. Tracheal Intubations by Paramedics
  4. Medical fee
  1. Video Laryngoscope
  1. Laryngoscopes and Intubation Tube
  2. Video Laryngoscope
  3. Manufacturers and Product Type
  1. Market Trends
  1. Market Size Transition and Forecasts
  2. Trends of Leading Players
  • HOYA Service(PENTAX)
  • Covidien Japan
  • KARL STORZ Endoscopy Japan
  • Acoma Medical Industry
  • Senko Medical Instrument
  • Verathon Medical Japan
  • Medical Product International (MPI)
  • Daiken Medical
  1. Market Share
  1. Future Perspective
  1. Simple Features to Become Mainstream
  2. Wireless Technology will Futher Improve the User-Friendliness
  3. Direction of Video Laryngoscopes

List of Tables and Figures

  1. Overview of the Tracheal Intubations market
  • Tracheal Intubations Method
  • Tracheal Intubations Implementation Status
  • The ABCDE Approach
  • Transition in the Number of Paramedics
  • Number of Fire Departments with Video Laryngoscopes
  • Medical Fee Revision in 2014 Associated with Tracheal Intubations
  1. Video Laryngoscope
  • Main Types of Laryngoscope
  • Main Types of Blades
  • Main Types of Intubation Tube
  • Major Usage of Standard Tubes with/without Cuff
  • The Main Advantages/Disadvantages of Video Laryngoscopes
  • The Main Video Laryngoscopes and Manufacturer (Japan)
  • List of Selected Video Laryngoscopes (Japan)
  • List of Selected Blades for Video Laryngoscopes (Japan)
  1. Market Trends
  • Market Size Transition of Video Laryngoscopes, FY2010-2018/Forecast
  • Rental Plans for Airway Scope
  • Market Size of Video Laryngoscopes in Volume, and Share of Manufactures, May 2014
  • Market Size of Video Laryngoscopes in Sales Value, Share, and Share of the Manufactures,  FY2013
  • Market Size of Video Laryngoscopes, Sales, Share, FY2014 forecast
  1. Future Perspective
  • Positioning Map of the Major Video Laryngoscopes in Japan
  • Wi-Fi featured Endoscopic Video Camera
  • Direction MAP of Video Laryngoscopes
  • List of Selected Video Laryngoscopes (US and Europe): Unlisted in Japan
  • List of Selected Video Laryngoscopes (Asia): Unlisted in Japan


written in English
70,000 yen ($494.07)
(excluding consumption tax)
140,000 yen ($988.14)
(excluding consumption tax)
210,000 yen ($1,482.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.68 yen , 2024/09/18 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type