Performance Analysis of Construction Material Wholesalers 2024

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90,000 yen ($596.11)
(excluding consumption tax)
180,000 yen ($1,192.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.98 yen , 2024/10/23 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Construction Material Wholesaling

Research Target:

Construction Material Wholesalers

Research Content:

This is a new type of market reports that use corporate data by our business partner, TOKYO SHOKO RESEARCH, LTD.
This report covers sales performance at major companies in the construction material wholesaling industry, which lets readers to grasp the industrial scale. With corporate data on 607 enterprises, readers can see the sales and profits of market entrants that are not necessarily large companies. In addition, ranking by business size, growth, profitability, productivity, and total index allows readers to understand companies with good management index, and to compare the company's management indicators to industrial average scores. Company profiles (607 enterprises) cover suppliers, clients, and business outlines.
*This report offers the option to purchase Excel data on 607 enterprises. 


I. Business Performance Analysis of Leading Market Players in Construction Material Wholesaling

  1. About the Data
  2. About the Analysis Method
  3. List of Overviews of 607 Major Market Players in Construction Material Wholesaling
  4. List of Business Performance Data of Leading Market Players in Construction Material Wholesaling
  5. Transitions of Sales at Construction Material Wholesalers
  6. Transitions of Operating Profits by Construction Material Wholesalers
  7. Transitions of Ordinary Profits by Construction Material Wholesalers
  8. Transition of Net Profits by Construction Material Wholesalers
  9. Ranking by Size and Market Share
  10. Ranking by Growth
  11. Ranking by Profitability
  12. Ranking by Productivity
  13. Ranking by Total Index
  14. Average Index Scores

 II   Company Profiles (607 enterprises)

  1. Company Outline
  2. Business Contents
  3. Business Performance
  4. Business Summary


written in Japanese
90,000 yen ($596.11)
(excluding consumption tax)
180,000 yen ($1,192.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.98 yen , 2024/10/23 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type