Online Payment Service Providers 2024

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230,000 yen ($1,523.38)
(excluding consumption tax)
460,000 yen ($3,046.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
690,000 yen ($4,570.14)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.98 yen , 2024/10/23 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Online and ecommerce Payments Market

Research Target:

Online Payment Service Providers, Ecommerce Market Players, Ecommerce Website Construction/Operation Services Providers, Credit Card Companies

Research Content:

The market size of online payment service providers, that mainly offer payment methods including credit cards for ecommerce sites continues the steady growth due to expansion in coverage including B2B and physical payments, added with increasing market sizes of B2C and ecommerce. Transaction volume of payment services such as code payment (online) and Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) is expanding rapidly. In addition, as a move to increase B2B transactions, payment service providers and BNPL businesses have started post-paying credit services, increasing the attention by companies on the services that support B2B transactions. Expansion of B2B ecommerce and B2C ecommerce markets, increasing coverage such as to public funds, omnichannel, and physical payment, expansion of business coverage to digital transformations support can be said.
The report helps readers understand the current conditions of payment agent, post-pay service providers, and the future perspectives.


I   Overview

  1. Market Overview/Circumstances
    1) Market Outline
    2) Market Size
    3) Online Payment Service Providers Market
    4) BNPL (Buy Now Pay Later)Service Market
  2. External Environment
    1) Decrease in Inbound Visitors
    2) Enhancement in Security Measures Required to Payment Service Providers
    3) Trend of 3-D Secure 2.0 (EMV 3DS)
  3. Future Market Perspectives
    1) Online Payment Service Provider Market Forecast
    2) Outlook

II    Trends by Sector

  1. Ecommerce Market
  2. Ecommerce Payment Services Market
  3. BNPL Service Market

III   Company Profiles

10 Enterprises


written in Japanese
230,000 yen ($1,523.38)
(excluding consumption tax)
460,000 yen ($3,046.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
690,000 yen ($4,570.14)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.98 yen , 2024/10/23 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type