CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage) Technologies 2024
Coverage: (Product/service)
CCUS(Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage)
Research Target:
Businesses that research, develop, and provide CCUS technologies (engineering manufacturers, materials manufacturers, cement manufacturers, power producers, gas producers, oil and natural gas developers, etc.), funds, etc.
Research Content:
In an effort to achieve carbon neutrality, a need for CCUS(Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage)technologies is growing. As seen in the announcement of "CCS Long-Term Roadmap" in March 2023, CCS projects are moving in full-scale domestically. In addition, research and development on carbon recycling technology, which converts CO2 into chemicals, fuels, minerals, etc. for effective utilization (CCU), is also underway.
In this report, we surveyed the CCUS market in Japan based on interviews with major players to find out the surrounding environment and issues of CCUS, attempts by market players to solve issues, R&D themes, and analyzed technology trends, market trends, and future perspectives.