Frozen Bread/Frozen Bread Dough Market 2023
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Frozen Bread Doughs and Frozen Bread and Rolls
Research Target:
Domestic makers of frozen bread doughs and frozen bread and rolls, bakeries, and Importers
Research Content:
I Analysis on Current Status and Future Outlook of Frozen Bread & Frozen Bread Dough Market
- Market Overview on Frozen Breads & Frozen Bread Doughs
- Current Status and Perspectives
- Transition of Market Size
- Market Share by Manufacturer (FY2022)
- Future Market Outlook
- Market Size Forecast
- Transition of Market Size and Forecast List
II Current Analysis and Outlook of Bread Market
- Market Overview
- Product Trends
- Trends of Companies
- Trends of Channels
- Wholesalers and Manufacturers recovering from corona crisis
- Convenience stores being resilient due to resumed school/office commuting and outing
- Retail bakery strategies after corona crisis
- Drugstores are one of few promising sales channels
- New sales channel of breads and rolls: Online retailing and subscription
- Current and future status of luxury pullman loaves
- Long-life bread and canned bread in the spotlight for stockpiling
- Complete nutritional diet is the savior for the bread and rolls market
- Bread and rolls responding to the needs as long-term care food, food for the diseased, and allergy proof meals
- Aging society with fewer children and future of demand for bread and rolls
- SDGs efforts in the bread and rolls industry
- Soaring ingredient prices and price revisions
- Government sale price for imported wheat has recorded the highest ever
- Transition of total market size for bread and rolls (FY2017-FY2021): Reached 1,535,400 million yen after the corona crisis
- The market share by product sale (FY2021): Pullman bread and table rolls increased the shares respectively
- The market share by sales channel (FY2021): Mass merchandisers and drugstores increased the shares respectively
- The market share by region (FY2021): Kanto occupied 39.9%, while Kinki accounted for 18.1%
- The market share by manufacturer (FY2021): Top 10 companies occupied 60% of the entire market
- Factors for market expansion and inhibitors, and perspectives for 2026
- The bread and rolls market size forecast (FY2022-FY2026): The market expected to exceed 1,600 billion yen in 2026
III Analysis on Strategies at Leading Manufacturers and Trading Firms Dealing in Frozen Bread & Frozen Bread Doughs
- Backgrounds and Strategies for Market Entry
- Trends of Products on Focus and of Product Development
- Trends of Production and Import
- Sales Trend
- Sales Promotion Measures
- Measures against Soaring Ingredient Prices
- Distribution Measures
- Future Marketing Strategies