Imported Luxury Brands Market 2023
Coverage: (Product/service)
Imported Luxury Brands market in Japan
Research Target:
Imported Luxury Brands, Companies developing imported brands, and brand importers
Research Content:
This is a market report on imported brands for clothing and apparel accessories that have developed business in Japan, containing the profiles of each brand, analytics on the market trend, the trend by item, the environment surrounding them.
In the latest report in 2023, the analytics for the business conditions in 2022 when the influence of the corona crisis still lingered as well as in 2023 i.e., the year that celebrates the end of the crisis, based on the information obtained from direct interviews to each of major companies.
In the status of ever fiercer polarization observed after having gone through the corona crisis, the report unravels the status of the luxury brand market supported mainly by consumption of affluent population.
I Overall Trends of Imported Luxury Brands Market
- Market Size and Trends
- Trends of Leading Companies and Brands
1) Overall Trends
2) Business Opportunities and Challenges after Corona
3) Total Sales Ranking among Major Imported Luxury Brands (2022 Standard) - Trends of Sales Channels
1) Overall Trends
2) Department Stores
3) Free-Standing Stores
4) Commercial Facilities
5) Outlet Malls
6) Specialty Stores
7) Ecommerce
8) Other Sales Channels (Airports, Duty Free Shops)
II Trends of Imported Luxury Brands Market by Item
- Imported Women's Clothing
- Imported Men's Clothing
- Imported Children's and Baby's Clothing
- Imported Bags and Small Leather Goods
- Imported Shoes
- Imported Watches
- Imported Jewelry
- Imported Crystal Products and China
- Other Imported Items (eyewear, ties, scarves, shawls, handkerchiefs, writing materials, and etc.)
III Profiles of Imported Brands
Approx. 250 brands
IV List of Companies Developing Imported Brands
Approx. 160 companies