Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization of Buildings 2023
Coverage: (Product/service)
Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization of Buildings
Research Target:
ZEB market players
Research Content:
In the 2030 target for Japanese government to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, 50% of reduction in GHG emissions is required for energy consumption in buildings and other non-residential constructions that belong to "Other Divisions". Therefore, expansion of ZEBs (Net Zero Energy Buildings) that contribute to zero emissions is imperative. The government aims to secure the level of ZEB-standard energy saving performance for average numbers of new buildings by 2030 and those for building stocks by 2050, forcing the designs for non-residential buildings to meet ZEB benchmarks hereafter. This report covers the status on the ZEB market in Japan from the statistics and from the efforts by the businesses that deal in ZEBs, and the future perspectives and challenges for 2030.
I Status and Future Perspectives for Zero-Energy Buildings (ZEBs)
- Transition of ZEB Market
- Future Perspectives and Challenges for ZEB Market
II Environment Surrounding ZEB
- Trend of New Non-Residential Construction
- Trend of Non-Residential Measures for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050
III Business Strategies by ZEB Market Players
- ZEB Efforts by Market Players
- Major Projects
1) Large Projects with Total Floor Areas of 10,000 Square Meters
2) Institutes of Technology by General Contractors
3) Repairing of ZEBs - Trend of Component Technology Development that Achieve ZEBs
1) Passive Energy Saving Technology
2) Active Energy Saving Technology
3) Energy Generation Technology - Status in Recent Years, External Environment
- Trend by Building Use
- Challenges, Market Perspectives toward FY2030
IV Profiles of ZEB Market Players
11 Enterprises