Soil Breeding and Fertilizer Market 2023

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140,000 yen ($983.49)
(excluding consumption tax)
280,000 yen ($1,966.98)
(excluding consumption tax)
420,000 yen ($2,950.47)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 142.35 yen , 2024/09/09 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Soil Breeding, Soil Improvement Agents and Fertilizers

Research Target:

Manufacturers, Suppliers, Developers

Research Content:

I    Noteworthy Trends in Soil Breeding, Soil Improvement Agent and Fertilizer Markets

  1. Current Status of Domestic Agriculture
  2. Fertilizer Policy by MAFF
  3. State of Soil Breeding at National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations (Zen-Noh)
  4. Compost Market Expanding Nationwide
  5. Direction of Fertilizer Industry Surrounding Ocean Plastic Polution Problems
  6. Spread of Smart Agriculture in Soil Breeding including Compost
  7. TOWING, a Next-Generation Greentech Venture Company that "Creates Soil"

II    Market Analysis and Future Outlook

  1. Soil Breeding and Soil Improvement Agent Market1) Total Market of Soil Breeding and Soil Improvement Agents
    2) Soil Breeding for Rice
    3) Agricultural/Horticultural Soil Breeding
    4) Soil Breeding for Home Gardening
    5) Soil Improvement Agents for Greenery Activities
    6) Micro-Organic Soil Improvement Agents
    7) Government-Ordinance-Designated Soil Improvement Agents (except for Vesicular-Carbuncular Mycorrhiza)
  2. Fertilizer Market
    1) Trend surrounding Fertilizer Market
    2) Total Fertilizer Market
    3) Compound Chemical Fertilizer Market
    4) Mixed Fertilizer Market
    5) Organic Fertilizer Market
    6) Single Fertilizer Market
    7) Other Fertilizer Market (liquid fertilizers, coating fertilizers, paste fertilizers, and plant vitalizers)

III   Expanding Feed Market due to Ecofeed

  1. Total Feed Market
  2. Ecofeed Market

IV    Company Profiles (29 Enterprises)

  • Companies Involving in Soil Breeding and Soil Improvement Agents
  • Fertilizer-Related Companies
  • Companies Involving in Feed and Ecofeed


written in Japanese
140,000 yen ($983.49)
(excluding consumption tax)
280,000 yen ($1,966.98)
(excluding consumption tax)
420,000 yen ($2,950.47)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 142.35 yen , 2024/09/09 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type