Analysis of Consumption Trends of Confectioneries/Sweets 2022

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110,000 yen ($707.08)
(excluding consumption tax)
220,000 yen ($1,414.15)
(excluding consumption tax)
330,000 yen ($2,121.23)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 155.57 yen , 2025/01/21 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Japanese sweets/Western sweets/Desserts

Research Target:

Men and women in their ages between 20s to 60s, living in Tokyo metropolitan area (Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa) that consumes Japanese sweets/Western sweets/desserts for at least once a month

Research Content:

I. Analysis on Survey Results

1. Overall Analysis 
(1) Consumer preference on Japanese sweets/Western sweets/Desserts
(2) Consumer preference on sweet bean paste 
(3) Frequency of purchasing Japanese sweets/Western sweets by oneself
(4) Frequency of eating Japanese sweets by item
(5) Purchase location of Japanese sweets
(6) Purchase experience of Japanese sweets by brand
(7) Frequency of eating Western sweets by item
(8) Purchase location of Western sweets 
(9) Purchase experience of Western sweets by brand
(10) Emotional/situational determinants of Japanese sweets/Western sweets consumption
(11) Japanese sweets/Western sweets ‘wish list’ (what consumers wish to try) 
(12) Where/how consumers get information on sweets 
(13) Sweets consumption and health consciousness
(14) Maximum (tolerable) price for every-day sweets 
(15) What to place importance on when purchasing sweets
(16) Consumer attitude toward purchase of sweets 
(17) Shopping behavior of consumers that buy sweets at least once a month for themselves
(18) Coffee chains frequently used by consumers that buy sweets at least once a month for themselves
(19) Tolerance of price increase among consumers that buy sweets at least once a month for themselves
(20) Name of sweets or brands consumers are interested in recently (open-ended question)
2. Cluster Analysis of Sweets Consumption 
(1) Profile of each cluster
(2) Japanese sweets consumption by cluster
(3) Western sweets consumption by cluster
(4) Behavioral pattern regarding sweets by cluster
(5) Purchasing behavior associated with sweets consumption by cluster 
3. Consideration on Results of Cluster Analysis of Sweets Consumption

II. Survey Data


written in Japanese
110,000 yen ($707.08)
(excluding consumption tax)
220,000 yen ($1,414.15)
(excluding consumption tax)
330,000 yen ($2,121.23)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 155.57 yen , 2025/01/21 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type