Post-COVID-19: Structural Changes in Industry and Growth Market in Four Asian Countries

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China , Vietnam
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160,000 yen ($1,059.74)
(excluding consumption tax)
320,000 yen ($2,119.49)
(excluding consumption tax)
480,000 yen ($3,179.23)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.98 yen , 2024/10/23 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Influence of COVID-19 to Four Asian Countries

Research Target:

Japanese Business People Assigned in Asian Countries

Research Content:

I   Influence of COVID-19 to Asia and Structural Changes

  1. Status of COVID-19 Infections
  2. Influence to and Perspectives of Economy and Industries
  3. Status of Asian Subsidiaries of Japanese Companies and Status of "China, Plus One" Strategy
  4. How Structure in Asia Changes after Affected by COVID-19 Infections
  • Diversification of Risks in Supply Chain and Acceleration of Localization

II   Influence of COVID-19 to Society/Economy, and Growth Market by Country

  • Transition of infections and measures taken
  • Influence of COVID-19 to economy and industries
  • Influence to society and consumers
  • Status of digitization and e-commerce
  • Growth market and key players for future
  1. China
  2. Thailand
  3. Indonesia
  4. Vietnam
  5. Trend of Major Companies in COVID-19 calamity

III   Questionnaire to Japanese Business People Assigned in Asian Countries

"Influence of COVID-19 to Business Operation, and Asian Society and Market Status After COVID-19

  1. Research Outline
  2. Research Results and Analysis
    1) "Forecast of end period of COVID-19 infections," and "Influence to sales performance throughout the year based on the forecasted end period of COVID-19"
    2) Important factors that affect sales performance
    3) New attempts, if any, that are triggered by COVID-19 pandemics
    4) Will diversification of suppliers as well as clients accelerates?
    5) How the world changes after COVID-19 pandemics?
    6) How Japan should take steps for future growth?
    7) Any noteworthy countries or regions to focus on for overseas business to succeed in the future?
    8) Growth market and business opportunity by industry after COVID-19 infections are subdued
  3. Business Opportunities and Growth Markets Paid Attention by Japanese Business People in Asia
    1) Ranking from Entire Compilation
    2) Ranking by Country
    3) Ranking by Industry
  4. Free Answers: Business opportunities that Japanese business people deployed in Asian countries focus on, and the reasons


written in Japanese
160,000 yen ($1,059.74)
(excluding consumption tax)
320,000 yen ($2,119.49)
(excluding consumption tax)
480,000 yen ($3,179.23)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 150.98 yen , 2024/10/23 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type