Smart Agriculture Market 2020

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190,000 yen ($1,339.54)
(excluding consumption tax)
380,000 yen ($2,679.08)
(excluding consumption tax)
570,000 yen ($4,018.61)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Smart Agriculture

Research Target:

Cultivation support solution providers/sales support providers/operational support providers of smart agriculture, and precision farming providers, MAFF and other governmental agencies

Research Content:

I   Current Status and Future Perspectives of Agriculture

  1. Current Status of Domestic Agriculture
  2. Status of Rapidly Increasing Agricultural Corporations
  3. Status of Attempts to Become a Sixth Sector
  4. Trends of Agricultural Policies

II   Current Status and Future Perspectives of Smart Agriculture

  1. Smart Agriculture Market Overview
    1) What is Smart Agriculture?
    2) Background that requires Smart Agriculture
    3) Number of agricultural business bodies operating agriculture by using data
    4) Cooperation and alignments Continue among different companies and organizations aiming to establish Smart Agriculture platform
  2. Governmental Approaches to Smart Agriculture
  3. WAGRI
    1) Attempts at WAGRI
    2) Perspectives for WAGRI by Smart Agriculture corporations
    3) Current challenges and issues regarding WAGRI
    4) Future direction of WAGRI
  4. Trend of Smart Agriculture platforms overseas
    1) Trend of Smart Agriculture Overseas
    2) Attempts of Smart Agriculture at Bayer CropScience
    3) Attempts of Smart Agriculture at BASF
    4) AgriTech trends in Israel
    5) Companies developing Smart Agriculture Overseas
  5. Trends of Leading Market Players
    1) Cultivation support solutions
    2) Sales support solutions
    3) Operational support solutions
    4) Precision farming
    5) Drone solutions for agriculture
    6) Robots for agriculture
    7) Business categories developed in Smart Agriculture by leading market players
  6. Sales Trends of Leading Market Players
    1) Cultivation support solutions
    2) Sales support solutions
    3) Operational support solutions
    4) Precision farming
    5) Drone solutions for agriculture
    6) Robots for agriculture
    7) Sales regarding Smart Agriculture at leading market players
  7. Current Challenges and Issues of Smart Agriculture
  8. Future Business Direction of Smart Agriculture
  9. Transition and Forecast of Smart Agriculture Market Size (FY2019-2026)

III     Questionnaire to 100 Agricultural Corporations on Intention of Using ICT

  1. Attributes of Responses
  2. Trends of using ICT
  3. ICT services currently using for agricultural production/operation
  4. Reasons why acceptance of ICT is delayed in production sites and operation of agricultural business
  5. Required conditions for ICT to be accepted in agriculture
  6. ICT solutions that want to try in the future
  7. Annual investment amount for using ICT
  8. Awareness of agricultural ICT products
  9. Agricultural ICT products currently using
  10. Assessment of Agricultural ICT products currently using
  11. Agricultural ICT products that want to try in the future
  12. Influence of COVID-19
  13. Securing manpower for agriculture
  14. Free Opinions regarding Agricultural ICT and Precision Farming
  • 100 Agricultural Corporations:
    1) Rice Growers (63 enterprises)
    2) Farm Horticulture (vegetables, fruits and flowers, 33 enterprises)
    3) Dairy Farming/Animal Husbandry (4 enterprises)

IV   Company Profiles of Smart Agriculture

48 enterprises


written in Japanese
190,000 yen ($1,339.54)
(excluding consumption tax)
380,000 yen ($2,679.08)
(excluding consumption tax)
570,000 yen ($4,018.61)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type