Contact Lens Market 2018

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330,000 yen ($2,304.79)
(excluding consumption tax)
660,000 yen ($4,609.58)
(excluding consumption tax)
990,000 yen ($6,914.37)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Contact Lens and Solutions/Cleaners and Accessories

Research Target:

Companies providing Contact Lens and Solutions/Cleaners and Accessories

Research Content:

I    Perspectives of Contact Lens, Solutions/Cleaners, and Accessories Market for 2023 and Noteworthy Trends

  1. Perspectives of Contact Lens, Solutions/Cleaners, and Accessories Market for 2023
  2. Forecast of Total Market Size of Contact Lens, Solutions/Cleaners, and Accessories in 2023
  3. Current Status and 2023 Forecast of Contact Lens-Wearing Population
  4. Current Total Market Size of Contact Lens, Solutions/Cleaners and Accessories
  5. Noteworthy Trends of Contact Lens and Solutions Market

II   Trends and Perspectives of Contact Lens Market

  1. Trends of Contact Lens Market
  2. Production Trend of Contact Lenses
  3. Overview of Contact Lenses (Products)
  4. Transition of Market Size by Product Type
  5. Export and Import Trends of Contact Lenses
  6. Sales Trend of Contact Lenses
  7. Sales and Market Share of Leading Manufacturers
  8. Trends of Sales Channel and Sales Strategies at Manufacturers
  9. Prospects of Future Market

III   Trends and Perspectives of Contact Lens Solutions/Cleaners and Accessories

  1. Overview of Contact Lens Solutions/Cleaners and Accessories Market
  2. Product Overview of Contact Lens Solutions/Cleaners and Accessories
  3. Latest Trends by Solution Type
  4. Transition of Solutions/Cleaners and Accessories Market Size
  5. Sales Trends of Solutions and Accessories
  6. Sales and Market Share of Leading Manufacturers
  7. Trends of Sales Channel of Solutions/Cleaners and Accessories
  8.  Prospects of Future Market

IV   Market Trends and Perspectives of Eye Drops for Contact Lens

  1. Market Overview
  2. Market Players and Product Lists
  3. Market Size and Market Share by Manufacturer
  4. Future Market Outlook

V   Company Profiles

27 enterprises


written in Japanese
330,000 yen ($2,304.79)
(excluding consumption tax)
660,000 yen ($4,609.58)
(excluding consumption tax)
990,000 yen ($6,914.37)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type