Analysis of Consumption Trends of Confectioneries/Sweets 2018

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105,000 yen ($741.11)
(excluding consumption tax)
210,000 yen ($1,482.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
315,000 yen ($2,223.32)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.68 yen , 2024/09/18 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Japanese traditional sweets (Yokan, Mizuyokan, Daifuku, Monaka, Manju, Dango, Sweets made of Mochi, Dorayaki, Castella, and etc.,) Western sweets (freshly-made cakes including cheese cakes, fruit tarts, cheese tart, cream puffs, éclairs, madelaines/financiers, rolled cakes, Baumkuchen, cookies, biscuits, chocolates, chocolat, and etc.

Research Target:


Research Content:

I   Consumption Trends of Confectioneries/Sweets for oneself

  1. Japanese Sweets
  1. Degrees of preference for Japanese sweets
  2. Degrees of preference for "Anko," Sweetened Mashed Beans which are almost indispensable to Japanese sweets
  3. Frequency of buying Japanese sweets for oneself
  4. Unit price when purchasing Japanese sweets for oneself (Unit price per product)
  5. Where to buy Japanese sweets for oneself
  6. What to take account of when buying Japanese sweets for oneself
  1. Western Sweets (Cakes, Cookies, etc.)
  1. Degrees of preference for Western sweets 
  2. Frequency of buying Western sweets for oneself
  3. Unit price when purchasing Western sweets for oneself (Unit price per product)
  4. Where to buy Western sweets for oneself
  5. What to take account of when buying Western sweets for oneself
  1. Desserts
  1. Degrees of preference for Desserts 
  2. Frequency of buying Desserts for oneself
  3. Unit price when purchasing Desserts for oneself (Unit price per product)
  4. Where to buy Desserts for oneself
  5. What to take account of when buying Desserts for oneself

II   Consumption Trends of Confectioneries/Sweets for Gift

  1. Japanese Sweets for Gift
  2. Western Sweets for Gift
  3. Desserts for Gift
  4. Opportunities of Buying Gifts
  1. Purchase Frequency
  2. Unit Price per Product
  3. Where to buy
  4. What to Consider When Buying Sweets for Gift

III   Purchasing Confectioneries/Sweets Online

  1. Frequency of Purchasing Sweets Online for the Past Year
  2. Purchased Unit Price (Unit Price per Shopping)
  3. Reason of Buying Sweets Online
  4. Website Used for Buying Sweets Online
  5. Terninals Used When Buying Sweets Online

IV   Purchase of Sweets at CVS

  1. Frequency of Purchasing Sweets at CVS for the Past Year
  2. Unit Price of Sweets at CVS
  3. Assessment of Sweets by CVS Chain
  4. Assessment of Original Sweets of CVS (Sweetness, Calories, Size, Price)
  5. Consideration When Choosing Sweets at CVS

V   Consumption Trend by Attribute

  1. Japanese Sweets
  2. Western Sweets
  3. Desserts
  4. Purchasing Sweets Online
  5. Purchasing Sweets at Convenience Stores


written in Japanese
105,000 yen ($741.11)
(excluding consumption tax)
210,000 yen ($1,482.21)
(excluding consumption tax)
315,000 yen ($2,223.32)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.68 yen , 2024/09/18 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type