POCT (Point of Care Testing) Market in 2017

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125,000 yen ($873.03)
(excluding consumption tax)
250,000 yen ($1,746.05)
(excluding consumption tax)
375,000 yen ($2,619.08)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)


Research Target:

37 Domestic Developers of POCT Products

Research Content:

I   POCT Market Prospective

  • The domestic POCT market in this report has been estimated based on the detailed researches on Leading 37 market players
  • The largest sales in the market are recorded by Siemens HCD, Radiometer and FUJIFILM Medical
  • Utilization has progressed in prevention of diabetes, including Glucose and HbA1c analysis
  • POCT gene examination has been developed progressively for respiratory tract infection
  • Integration of Abbot Laboratories and Alere have brought about Siemens Healthineers to acquire Epocal

II    Analysis on Trends of POCT Market by Major Category

  1. Biochemical Test
  1. Diabetic Category
  • Glucose analyzer (POCT device)
  • HbA1c analyzer (POCT device)
  1. Biochemical analyzer (dry reagent POCT device)
  2. Blood gas analyzer
  1. Blood Test
  1. Blood cell counters (POCT device)
  2. Blood coagulation measuring device (POCT device)
  1. Immunological Test
  1. Immuno-chromatographic clinical test kit
  2. Immunoassay Analyzers (POCT device)
  1. General Examination
  1. Urine test paper

III   Profiles of POCT Market Players

37 companies

  • Company overview
  • Transition of sales performance
  • The categories within POCT market
  • Size of domestic POCT business
  • Clinical test drugs/devices/POCT business overview
  • Directions of POCT business
  • Representative POCT products (images already released and etc.,)

IV    Related Materials

  • Major POCT Device by Category by Enterprise
  • POCT Clinical Test Devices sold from 2007 to 2016
  • Imaging Sample of POCT Products
  • Major Specimen Measurement Chambers


written in Japanese
125,000 yen ($873.03)
(excluding consumption tax)
250,000 yen ($1,746.05)
(excluding consumption tax)
375,000 yen ($2,619.08)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type