Rental and Sales of Welfare Equipment Market 2017

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150,000 yen ($1,057.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($2,115.06)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($3,172.59)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Rental/Sales of Welfare (Long-Term Care) Equipment

Research Target:

Rental Welfare Equipment Companies

Research Content:

I   Rental Welfare/Assistive Equipment Market Overview

  1. Trend of Rental Welfare Equipment Market
  2. Market Size of Welfare Equipment for Rent/Sale
  3. Trend of Rental Welfare Equipment by Item
  4. Trend of Leading Rental Welfare Equipment Companies
  5. Challenges and Issues

II   Field Strategies of Companies in Rental Welfare Equipment Business

  1. Strategies of Opening Stores by Market Players (14 Cases)
  2. Transition of Turnover of Welfare Equipment Business, Number of Rental Beds at Market Players
  3. Strategies and Trend of Welfare Equipment Business at Market Players (11 Cases)
  4. Trend of Market Players (Wholesalers and Distributors of Welfare Equipment)

III   Trend by Rental Welfare Equipment/by Region

IV   Analysis of Rental Welfare Equipment Market/Market Players by Item

  1. 2018 Revision of Long-Term Care Insurance Overview
  2. Idea to Cope with Welfare Beds to be Paid at the Expense of Enterprises (Market Players)
  3. Idea to Cope with Labor Shortage at Enterprises (Market Players)
  4. Idea regarding Cleaning, Disinfection, Maintenance at Enterprises (Market Players)
  5. Idea regarding New Business by Enterprises (Market Players)
  6. Challenges/Issues of Enterprises (Market Players)
  7. Direction of Enterprises (Market Players)

V   Analysis of Questionnaire Results about Business of Rental/Sales of Welfare Equipment and Home Modification

  1. Questionnaire Overview
  2. Aggregated Results
  1. About Welfare/Long-Term Care Equipment Business Overview
  2. About Business of Rental Welfare/Long-Term Care Equipment
  3. About Business of Selling Welfare/Long-Term Care Equipment
  4. About Home Modification for Elderly
  5. About Overall Long-Term Care Business

VI   Analysis of Environment surrounding Elderly

  1. Trend of (Total) Number of Elderly in Need of Long-Term Care
  2. Transition of Long-Term Care Fee
  3. Trend of Elderly Population
  4. About Measures for Residence for Elderly by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
  5. About Direction of Medical (Home Care)
  6. Trend of Sales of Long-Term Care Robots

VII   Reference: Analysis of Transition of Long-Term Care Insurance Offices

  1. Transitions of Number of Offices and Facilities for Long-Term Care Services and Facilities and Seating Capacity
  2. Transitions of Number of Accepted Cases of Long-Term Care Services, Number of Days, and Fee for Long-Term care Services


written in Japanese
150,000 yen ($1,057.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($2,115.06)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($3,172.59)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type