Golf Beginners and Early Quitters 2015

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140,000 yen ($914.61)
(excluding consumption tax)
280,000 yen ($1,829.23)
(excluding consumption tax)
420,000 yen ($2,743.84)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.07 yen , 2024/05/05 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Golf Beginners and Early Quitters

Research Target:

Beginners and Early Quitters of Golf

Research Content:

I   Overview

  1. Population of Golf Beginners and Early Quitters in 2014
  2. Factual Survey on Golf Beginners
  3. Factual Survey on Early Quitters of Golf

II   Golf Population Overview

  1. Population of Golf Beginners and Early-Quitters
  2. Population of Early-Quitters of Golf 2014
  3. Population of Golf Beginners 2014

III   Factual Survey on Golf Beginners

  1. Reasons Why Beginners Started Playing Golf
  2. Play Styles of Golf Beginners
  3. Golf Club Issues for Golf Beginners
  4. Issues of Golf-related Facilities Viewed from Golf Beginners' Points of View
  5. Worries that Golf Beginners Have

IV   Factual Survey on Golf Early Quitters

  1. Play Styles of Early Quitters of Golf
  2. Reason Why Quitted Golf just after Started
  3. Timing of Quitting Golf
  4. Satisfaction Survey regarding Golf-related Facilities
  5. Golf Club Issues for Early Quitters of Golf
  6. What Former Golf Players Do After They Quitted Playing Golf
  7. Factual Survey on People Who May Start Playing Golf Again

V   Suggestions to Help Golf Beginners to Continue Playing Golf and Early Quitters to play it again

  1. How golf-related facilities should be

Golf goods stores, Golf schools, Indoor/Outdoor golf ranges, golf courses

  1. Sales and Promotions of Golf Clubs Appropriate for Beginners
  2. Strategies on Attracting Golf Quitters to Play Golf Again
  3. What is needed for Golf Beginners to Enjoy Golf Lives


written in Japanese
140,000 yen ($914.61)
(excluding consumption tax)
280,000 yen ($1,829.23)
(excluding consumption tax)
420,000 yen ($2,743.84)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.07 yen , 2024/05/05 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type