Doctors Cosmetics Marketing 2014-2015

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150,000 yen ($1,047.63)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($2,095.26)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($3,142.90)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Doctors Cosmetics, overall cosmetics market

Research Target:

doctors cosmetics manufacturers, medical facilities

Research Content:

I   Entire Cosmetics Market and Doctors Cosmetics Market

  1. Entire Cosmetics Market
  1. Market overview
  2. Transition of market size (FY2009 - FY2013)
  3. Market share by manufacturer (FY2013)
  4. List of market share by manufacturer (FY2013)
  5. Market outlook
  6. Estimated market size (FY2014 - FY2018)
  1. Doctors Cosmetic Market
  1. Market overview
  2. Chronology of major brands
  3. Analysis on major brand product-lines
  4. Analysis on product functions at major brands
  5. Analysis on prices at major brands
  6. Analysis on channel development at major brands
  7. Transition of market size (FY2009 - FY2013)
  8. Market share by manufacturer (FY2013)
  9. Sales ranking (FY2013)
  10. Market size forecast (FY2014 - FY2018)

II   Market Trends by Product Category

  1. Doctors Cosmetic Products Market by Category
  1. Market size by product category (FY2013)
  2. Transition of market size by product category(FY2009 - FY2013)
  3. Market size forecast by product category (FY2014 - FY2018)  
  1. Skin Care Market
  1. Market overview
  2. Transition of market size (FY2009 - FY2013)
  3. Market share by manufacturer (FY2013)
  4. Sales ranking (FY2013)
  5. Market size forecast (FY2014 - FY2018)
  1. Makeup Market
  1. Market overview
  2. Transition of market size (FY2009 - FY2013)
  3. Market share by manufacturer (FY2013)
  4. Sales ranking (FY2013)
  5. Market size forecast (FY2014 - FY2018)
  1. Hair Care and Other Markets
  1. Market overview
  2. Transition of market size (FY2009 - FY2013)
  3. Market share by manufacturer (FY2013)
  4. Sales ranking (FY2013)
  5. Market size forecast (FY2014 - FY2018)

III   Market Trends by Distribution Channel

  1. Doctors Cosmetic Products Market by Distribution Channel
  1. Market size by distribution channel (FY2013)
  2. Transition of market size by distribution channel (FY2009 - FY2013)
  3. Market size forecast by distribution channel (FY2014 - FY2018)
  1. Distribution Market for Common Goods
  1. Market overview
  2. Transition of market size (FY2009 - FY2013)
  3. Market share by manufacturer (FY2013)
  4. Sales ranking (FY2013)
  5. Market size forecast (FY2014 - FY2018)
  1. Distribution Market for Mail-Order Goods
  1. Market overview
  2. Transition of market size (FY2009 - FY2013)
  3. Market share by manufacturer (FY2013)
  4. Sales ranking (FY2013)
  5. Market size forecast (FY2014 - FY2018)
  1. Distribution Market for Physicians
  1. Market overview
  2. Transition of market size (FY2009 - FY2013)
  3. Market share by manufacturer (FY2013)
  4. Sales ranking (FY2013)
  5. Market size forecast (FY2014 - FY2018)
  1. Other Distribution Markets
  1. Market overview
  2. Transition of market size (FY2009 - FY2013)
  3. Market share by manufacturer (FY2013)
  4. Sales ranking (FY2013)
  5. Market size forecast (FY2014 - FY2018)

IV   Trends in Handling Cosmetics at Medical Facilities

  • Questionnaire Results
  • Profiles of questionnaire-responded facilities:112 facilities

V   Marketing Strategies at Leading Cosmecit Manufacturers

12 companies



written in Japanese
150,000 yen ($1,047.63)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($2,095.26)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($3,142.90)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type