Printing Companies Analysis 2014

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102,000 yen ($719.93)
(excluding consumption tax)
204,000 yen ($1,439.86)
(excluding consumption tax)
306,000 yen ($2,159.80)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.68 yen , 2024/09/18 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Printing (Publication printing, Commercial printing, Printing of securities/IC/cards, Office printing, Special printing)

Research Target:

Printing companies, disclosure-related companies, suppliers, equipments and materials of printing, etc.

Research Content:

I   Current Status and Future Outlook on Printing Industry

  1. Current status and future outlook on printing industry
  • The market size was 5,617 Billion yen in 2012, down by 1.6% from the previoues year
  • The shrinking pace of the market size from 2013 to 2015 is likely to slowdown  The printing volume declines only slightly, keeping a certain level of standard
  • The roles and values of each of printing items become more clear
  • Sales of listed printing companies in FY2013 increase from the size of the previous year, but decline if compared with that of FY2009
  • Average value increased from that of FY2009. Although total operating profits increased, average value decreased from that of FY2009
  • 60% of the total sales of all 1,500 companies are occupied by the top 2 and the second-tier printing companies
  • small and mid-size companies face harsh reality with sales decrease
  1. Market Trends by Printing Demand
  • The key is solution services and whether companies can create new demands for printing  
  1. Publication printing
  2. Commercial printing
  3. Printing of securities/IC/cards
  4. Office printing
  5. Special printing
  1. Printing Market Trends regarding Electronic Books/Flexible Packaging
  1. Electronic book market
  2. Printing market for soft packaging

II    Analysis on Printing Industry

  1. Top-Two Printing Groups:
  • Toppan Printing
  • Dai Nippon Printing
  1. Second-Tier Printing Companies with Annual Business over 10 Billion Yen (10 enterprises)
  2. Form PrintingCcompanies (5 enterprises)
  3. Disclosure-related Companies (2 enterprises)
  4. Seal Printing Companies (2 enterprises)
  5. Attention-getting Companies (1 enterprise)

III   Trends in Equipments and Materials for Printing

  • Suppliers of those researched companies
  • Equipments used by researched companies
  • Trends in facilities of researched companies

IV   Ranking of Printing Companies

  • Nationwide sales ranking
  • Sales ranking by prefecture

V   Company Profiles 

80 enterprises


written in Japanese
102,000 yen ($719.93)
(excluding consumption tax)
204,000 yen ($1,439.86)
(excluding consumption tax)
306,000 yen ($2,159.80)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.68 yen , 2024/09/18 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type