In-Car HMI/OSS Market 2013-2014

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150,000 yen ($1,058.72)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($2,117.45)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($3,176.17)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.68 yen , 2024/09/18 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

In-Car HMI and OSS

Research Target:


Research Content:

Part I   Overview

In-Car HMI (Human Machine Interface) after Emergence of Google Car and "Estimation of eCockpit for 2020"

I   Current Status and Future of HMI (Human Machine Interface)

  1. Research Flow of this Report "In-Car HMI/OSS 2013-2014"
  2. Future of In-car HMI
  3. Hard and Soft Software
  4. Global HMI from Semiconductor/Software Manufacturer Research
  5. Constantly Improving HMI Bringing Harmony to Relationship between Human and Vehicles
  6. eCockpit
  7. Challenges in HMI and its History
  8. Future of Global HMI (eCockpit) till 2020

II   Status of Google Car and In-Car HMI Strategies from Smart Phone Os Vendors

  1. Current Status of Google Car
  2. Impact of Google Car and Influence to Japanese Automobile Industry
  3. Status and History of Autonomous Cars
  4. Future of Autonomous Cars
  5. Technologies Used in Autonomous Cars
  6. "Current Status and Future Of In-car HMI" Viewed from Smart Phone Industry

III   HMI Strategies and Policies by Position

  • Thoughts on In-Car HMI from OEM
  • Thoughts on In-Car HMI from Tier 1 Suppliers
  • Thoughts on In-Car HMI from In-Car Camera Manufacturers
  • Thoughts on In-Car HMI from Semiconductor Manufacturers

IV   Trends in In-Car HMI by Global Region

  1. Common Trends Shared by Global In-Car HMI
  2. Trends in In-Car HMI in Europe
  3. Trends in In-Car HMI in North America
  4. Trends in In-Car HMI in Japan
  5. Trends in In-Car HMI in China

Part II   In-Car HMI Strategies Hammered Out by Global Leading Manufacturers

I  In-Car HMI Strategies from Japanese OEM

  1. Toyota Motor Corporation
  3. Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
  4. Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.
  5. Suzuki Motor Corporation

II   In-Car HMI Strategies from European OEM

  1. BMW
  2. AUDI
  3. BENZ
  4. VW
  5. Porche

III   In-Car HMI Strategies from U.S. OEM

  1. Ford Motor Company
  2. GM
  3. Tesla Motors, Inc

IV  In-Car HMI Strategies from Tier 1

  1. BOSCH
  2. DENSO
  3. Continental
  4. Alpine Electronics, Inc./ALPS ELECTRIC CO., LTD.
  5. Panasonic Corporation
  6. Pioneer Corporation
  7. Hitachi, Ltd.
  8. ZMP INC
  9. Nippon Seiki Co.,Ltd
  10. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
  11. Mobileye
  13. Cameras, LED, Monitoring business by manufacturers of In-car Mirrors
  14. Next-Generation Application by manufacturers of In-car Mirrors

Part III   Trends and Estimation by IN-Car HMI System

  1. About In-Car HMI?
  2. Relations between ADAS and HMI
  3. Trends in Usage of HMI in AUTOSAR
  4. Trends in Usage of Genivi
  5. Changes in Software Development (HTML etc.)
  6. Support for OSS
  7. Usage of Linux within a car
  8. Central Computers
  9. Approach to Hypervisor
  10. Utilization of CAN BUS Data
  11. In-Car LAN to Connect to Ether-net
  12. Importance of In-Car Cameras and Global Market Outlook
  13. Front end Donsole Display of HMI
  14. Liquid Crystal Touch panel
  15. eMirrors (electronic mirrors)
  16. OS embedded in smart phones
  17. HMI and other Incar machines
  18. In-car HMI and navigation systems
  19. In-car HMI and speech recognition
  20. In-car HMI and image recognition
  21. HMI and autonomous/next-generation cars


written in Japanese
150,000 yen ($1,058.72)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($2,117.45)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($3,176.17)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.68 yen , 2024/09/18 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type