Aesthetic Salon Industry 2013

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105,000 yen ($733.34)
(excluding consumption tax)
210,000 yen ($1,466.69)
(excluding consumption tax)
315,000 yen ($2,200.03)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Aesthetic Salons

Research Target:

Aesthetic Salons, users

Research Content:

I       Aesthetic Salon Market Overview
1.   Overview on Japanese Aesthetic Salon Market
2.   Market Share by Company
3.   Future Outlook on Aesthetic Salon Market
II      Trends in Aesthetic Salon Market
1.   Market Trends by Operational Category
2.   Market Trends by Region
III    Aesthetic Salon Treatment and Goods Sales Trends
1.   Facial Treatment
2.   Weight Loss and Body Treatment
3.   Hair Removal
4.   Men's Aesthetic Treatment
5.   Goods Sales
6.   Transition of Estimated Size of Aesthetic Market (FY2007 to FY2016
IV     Strategies by Major Aesthetic Salon Chains
1.   Status of Beauty Treatment and Sales of Goods
2.   Noteworthy Treatment Categories
3.   Trends in Customer Target and Management
4.   Strategies of Opening Stores
5.   Regional Distribution of Salons
6.   Advertisement and Sales Promotions
7.   Future Market Strategies
V      Aesthetic Salon Related Market Trends
1.   Trends in Aesthetic Cosmetics
2.   Trends in Aesthetic Equipments
3.   Market Trends in Cosmetics Sold Door to Doors
4.   Market Trends in Facial Equipment using Ultrasonic Waves
VI     Consumer Survey regarding Aesthetic Salons
1200 Women over 20 years old who have used aesthetic salons
1.   State of using aesthetic salons
2.   State of using multiple aesthetic salons
3.   Type of aesthetic salon used recently and the reason
4.   Companion to aesthetic salons
5.   Requests to aesthetic salons
6.   Information source for aesthetic salons
7.   Types of treatment
8.   Acceptable fee
9.   Goods purchased at aesthetic salons
10. Anxiety, discontent and requests to aesthetic salons
11. Evaluation of aesthetic salons
12. State of using spas
13. State of using other related facilities
14. State of using men's aesthetic salons
VII   Profiles of Aesthetic Salons (79 salons)
1.   Annual accumulated number of customers
2.   Average unit price per customer
3.   Treatment menu
4.   Advertisement
5.   Future policies
6.   Future perspectives of aesthetic salons, 5 - 10 years from now
7.   Whether or not there are facilities of sauna, bath and shower
8.   Cosmetics and equipment manufacturers and their satisfaction level
9.   Reasons of selecting the current cosmetics and equipments
VIII  Marketing Strategies of Companies in Aesthetic Salon-Related Business
Companies operating aesthetic salons (10 enterprises)
Company Overview, Sales Performance
Sales Composition
Number of Salons by Area
Recent Opening of Salons, Patterns, Future Salon-Opening Schedule
Popular Aesthetic Courses Provided, Membership, Fees
Characteristics and Development of Treatments
Approaches for Better Goods Sales, New Products
Training and Organization of Aestheticians
Targeting Customers, Trends in Users, Customer Management Methods
Sales Policies, PR/Sales Promotions
Current Challenges, Future Market Strategies and Outlook
Companies in aesthetic related companies (4 enterprises)
Company Overview, Sales Performance
Sales Composition
How and why they decided to Open Salons
Distribution Channel and Strategies, Sales Organizations
Product Lines, New Products, Hot-Selling products
Trends in Development/Production
Trends in Sales, Marketing Strategies
Future Policies, Challenges, Issues
IX     Index of aesthetic salons by city (4067 salons)


written in Japanese
105,000 yen ($733.34)
(excluding consumption tax)
210,000 yen ($1,466.69)
(excluding consumption tax)
315,000 yen ($2,200.03)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type