Specialty Store Chains Market 2012

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148,000 yen ($946.23)
(excluding consumption tax)
296,000 yen ($1,892.46)
(excluding consumption tax)
444,000 yen ($2,838.69)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 156.41 yen , 2024/05/15 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Specialty store chains

Research Target:

Leading companies of 48 Markets in 7 Categories,

Research Content:

I      Specialty Store Chains in 2012/13
1.   Structures and Development of Specialty Stores Market
1)  Overview and structure of 80-Trillion-yen market
2)  Specialty stores drives development of business, M&A, and entrance to overseas market
3)  History of shopping centers and growth of specialty stores
2.   Growth of Large Specialty Store Chains
1)  Ranking of specialty store chain companies
2)  Market players and store operation
3.   Market by Industry and Competition with Other Business Categories
1)  Comparison of specialty stores market
2)  Competition with other business categories
II     Growth Strategies in Large Specialty Store Chains
1.   Store Opening and Sales Strategies
1)  Characteristics and changes in major market
2)  Trends in opening new stores by specialty stores
3)  Online sales strategies by large companies of specialty stores
2.   Entrance to Overseas Market by Large Specialty Store Chains
1)  Strategies to acquire room for growth in overseas
2)  Comparison between leading specialty store companies in overseas and domestic companies
III   Trends in Specialty Stores by Category
1.   Drugstores
1)  Industrial restructuring led by Matsumoto Kiyoshi, Ion, Sundrug, Fujiyakuhin
2)  Revision of law encourages alignment with different industries, diversifying business styles
2.   Home Centers
1)  Regulation of development in suburban areas has influenced home centers, decreasing opening of large stores
2)  Industrial restructuring is led by general trade companies, and large home centers, acquiring small- and mid-sized HCs to become huge.
3.   100-yen Shops (One-Price Shops)
1)  Daiso's business now exceeds 300 billion yen. There are local chains and individual 100-yen shops.
2)  Expansion to shopping centers and became large stores in front of railway stations. Some are gigantic.
4.   Discount Stores
1)  Total sales of leading 18 companies have become 1.6 trillion yen. Large companies maintain their strong growth
2)  Discount stores have become large chains to acquire buying power
5.   Recycling Shops
1)  Recycling business has developed across categories: Books, CDs, games, home electronics, PCs, clothing.
2)  The market sells products around 10% of new products. Software related market are conveniently related with second-hand market, and market players are increasing
6.   Outlet Malls
1)  Construction of outlet malls has been active again. Successful in attracting consumers who are sensitive in prices
2)  Shift from large outlet malls in suburban/resort areas to mid-sized malls in urban or metropolitan areas.
7.   Online Stores Operated by Specialty Stores
1)  Momentum of growth of mail orders and online stores is overwhelming
2)  Series of specialty stores started online. Large home electronics specialty stores and clothing chains earned sales of multibillion-yen
IV    Trends in Specialty Store Market by Category
1.   Apparel
1) Jeans casual wear, select shops
2) Women's clothing specialty stores
3) Infants/Kids' clothing specialty stores
4) Men's clothing specialty stores
5) Kimono specialty stores
6) Inner clothing/leg wears specialty stores
2.   Books/Games/CDs/Software
1) Books
2) CD/Games
3) Second-hand software
4) Software complex market
3.   Hobbies, Recreation, Sports
1) Music instruments specialty stores
2) Toys/Character specialty stores
3) Crafts shops
4) Cameras/DPE stores
5) Ticket shops
6) Auto supplies shops
7) Automobile, motorbike specialty stores
8) Sports goods stores
9) Pet/pet goods stores
10) Flower and Green stores
4.   PC/Furniture/Household Goods Market
1) Electronics retail stores
2) PC specialty stores
3) Mobile phones specialty stores
4) Furniture specialty stores
5) Household goods specialty stores
6) Writing material specialty stores
5.   Sundries Market (Household, Clothing, Daily)
1) Jewelries/Accessories
2) Glasses
3) Bags
4) Shoes
5) Clothing accessories
6) Cosmetics
6.   Food Stores
1) Liquor shops
2) Fresh foods specialty stores, food discount stores
3) Bento/Deli shops
4) Pizza/Sushi delivery shops
5) Food Mail Orders, Health Foods
6) Bakeries, Patisseries, Japanese Sweets Shops
V      48 Markets in 7 Categories, Profiles of Leading Companies
Index of Company Names


written in Japanese
148,000 yen ($946.23)
(excluding consumption tax)
296,000 yen ($1,892.46)
(excluding consumption tax)
444,000 yen ($2,838.69)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 156.41 yen , 2024/05/15 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type