Automatic Vending Machine Market 2011

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100,000 yen ($639.35)
(excluding consumption tax)
200,000 yen ($1,278.69)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($1,918.04)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 156.41 yen , 2024/05/15 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Various types of automatic vending machines and related products

Research Target:

Automatic vending machine manufacturers, vending machine operating companies, product manufacturers

Research Content:

  1. General trend in the automatic vending machine business
    1. General trends, including the number of installed automatic vending machines (2002 to 2012), and annual sales (2004 to 2012)
    2. Various factors which have impacts on the automatic vending machine business
    3. Noteworthy topics on automatic vending machine business
    4. Future prospects
  2. Trends of the beverages, alcoholic beverages and foods market in relation to the automatic vending machine business
    1. Beverage market
    2. Alcoholic beverage market
    3. Foods market
  3. Trends of automatic vending machine business by distribution stage
    1. General trend
    2. Trend of automatic vending machine manufacturers
    3. Trend of automatic vending machine operating companies
    4. Trend of the manufacturers of products sold on the automatic vending machines 
  4. Trend of the manufacturers of products sold on the automatic vending machines
  5. Trend of the major locations for automatic vending machine installation
  6. Trend of the leading players
    1. Automatic vending machine manufacturers
    2. Automatic vending machine operating companies
    3. Manufacturers of products sold on the automatic vending machines


Related URL:

Automatic Vending Machines: Key Research Findings 2011


written in Japanese
100,000 yen ($639.35)
(excluding consumption tax)
200,000 yen ($1,278.69)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($1,918.04)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 156.41 yen , 2024/05/15 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type