
Rental Storage/Container Storage/Trunk Room Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2013

Research Outline

Yano Research Institute has conducted a study on domestic market of rental storage, container storage and trunk room (or rental warehouse) services with the following conditions:
  1. Research period: From May to August, 2016
  2. Research targets: Leading companies and organizations in the business of storage services, and storage service business bases
  3. Research methodologies: Face-to-face interviews by the expert researchers, surveys via telephone, field investigation, and literature research


What is storage services (rental storage, container storage and trunk room) market?

The storage business in this research indicates a business to lend a room or a space to those who want to store or save their belongings without any purpose to sell.  The business in this research is categorized into the following three services: 1) Rental storage services operated mainly by real estate agencies to lend indoor rooms and spaces, including those in storing-only buildings where individuals or corporate bodies can store things. Those safe-deposit boxes operated by banks and those baggage lockers located at railway stations are not included. ; 2) Container storage services, similar to rental storage services only that the former rooms and spaces provided are not placed indoors but outdoor containers or those storage made of steel; and 3) Trunk room services operated mainly by warehouse companies to provide trunk rooms, needed to be certified by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, in which luggage and furniture of individuals can be deposited (No document storage nor storage for corporate bodies included.)  

Summary of Research Findings

  • Domestic Storage Services Market in FY2015 Expanded by 8.0% to Attain 60,340 Million Yen, Expected to Rise by 8.2% to Achieve 65,260 Million Yen by FY2016

The domestic storage services market (total of rental storage, container storage and trunk room services) has rose by 8.0% to attain 60,340 million yen, due to recent continuous expansion of the service sites bringing about the number of users and the market size to increase. 

This rising tendency is likely to continue for FY2016, during which the market size is projected to expand by 8.2% to achieve 65,260 million yen. 


  • Size of FY2015 Rental Storage Service Market Rose by 5.9% to Achieve 23,880 Million Yen, Container Storage Market Expanded by 9.8% to Reach 32,750 Million Yen

The FY2015 rental storage service market rose by 5.9% to achieve 23,880 million yen, while the container storage service market rose by 9.8% to attain 32,750 million yen. Growth of the rental storage service market stems from increasing number of companies entered the market at local cities at which the awareness of the services has improved. On the other hand, the service sites of container storage service market have expanded in the metropolitan areas rather than in local cities.


  • Nationwide Number of Rooms and Spaces Rented from Rental Storage/Container Storage Service Providers per Household : 0.0077, One Room/Space in 130 Households

Number of rooms or spaces rented from rental storage or container storage service providers nationwide as of June 2016 was 438 thousand. It indicates that, as of end of June 2016, 0.0077 rooms or spaces are rented out of a total of 56,950 thousand households, or one room/space per 130 households.  


  • Figure 1: Transition and Forecast of Domestic Storage Services (Rental Storage, Container Storage and Trunk Room) Market Size

Published Report

Report Title: Storage Business Market 2016

*The information provided in the "Research Summary" is what is as of the date of announcement and could be altered or renewed without any prior notice.

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