
Publication of “The Plastic Recycling Market 2022”

English-Written Report on Plastic Recycling Market in Europe, the US, and Japan


We, Yano Research Institute Ltd. are pleased to announce the publication of The Plastic Recycling Market 2022,a market report that disclosed the recycling technology trends, the trends of market players, and future perspectives in the three key markets in the world, the EU, the US, and Japan.  Preceding the publication of The Plastic Recycling Market 2022,” we released “Plastic Recycling Market 2022” in the Japanese language in June 2022, and this report, The Plastic Recycling Market 2022,” has been created in English to meet the needs of all those who are seeking comprehensive and up-to-date information on the global issue of plastic recycling.


In addition to the contents included in the Japanese-version report, the English version covers the progress of plastic recycling in the EU and the US by reporting the trends of developing chemical recycling technologies such as monomerization, plastic-to-oil conversion, and plastic-to-fuel conversion, and the status of recycled materials being adopted at automakers and container users. In particular, Europe is projected to continue being in the forefront of the plastic recycling market worldwide, as it leads in this field when compared to the US and Japan, shown by the announcement of chemical recycling targets and mandatory use of recycled plastics through revision of ELV rules. The report includes the perspectives on the waste plastics strategies and policies in Europe, and the recycling market in the US that announced a National Recycling Strategy in 2021.

For those who are interested in research report on the plastic recycling market in Europe, the US, and Japan, The Plastic Recycling Market 2022, must be the one they should consider, to turn up a solid clue to the future.


<Report Highlight>


■Research Outline

Objective: The objective of this report is to understand government policies and current market trends for plastics in the EU, the US, and Japan, as well as the business development at plastic recycling companies and manufactures, plant/facility trends.

The report also examines the adoption of recycled plastics by application, such as beverages, containers and packaging, and automobiles, to understand current and future trends in the plastics recycling market.

Research Subjects: Material recycling companies, chemical recycling companies, chemical manufacturers, plastic users (automotive, package, beverages), and research institutes

Research Methodology:
Primary Research (Company interviews)
Secondary Research (Desktop Research)

Research Period: April 2022 - September 2022



◆Covers the EU, US, and Japanese Recycling Market

◆Market Forecast until 2030 for Mechanical and Chemical Recycling in the EU, US, and Japan

◆Concise reports on major chemical manufacturers, recyclers and plastic users, as well as industry association (Face-to-Face interview conducted)

◆Covers European, US, Japanese recyclers and chemical manufacturers' trends

◆Covers the mechanical recycling market (companies, recycling scheme, etc.) in the EU, US, Japan

◆Covers the chemical recycling market (companies, recycling scheme, etc.) in the EU, US, Japan

◆Recycling trends in the Automotive and Packaging industry



Chapter1 Outlook on the Plastic Recycling Market

Chapter2 External Environment Surrounding Plastic Recycling

2-1 External Environment Surrounding Plastic Recycling

2-2 Laws and Regulations on Waste Management

Chapter3 Plastic Recycling Technology Trends

3-1 Mechanical (Material) Recycling

3-2 Chemical Recycling

Chapter4 Use of Recycled Plastic in Automotive and Packaging

4-1 Automotive Sector

4-2 Packaging Sector

Chapter5 Trends and Strategies by Companies



Published on: September 28, 2022

Style: A4, 275 pages

Price: \440,000 (Product: \400,000, Tax: \40,000)

*The tax not applicable to customers from outside Japan


■Reference: Other Related Reports:

Plastic Recycling Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2022

Beverage Container Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2021 

High-Performance Packaging Materials Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2021

Bioplastics Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2020


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■Information on Yano Research Institute Ltd.: 


<English> https://www.yanoresearch.com/

<Japanese> https://www.yano.co.jp/