
Russian Must Immediately Withdraw Troops! Can the World Stem the Tide toward Authoritarianism?

(The original article in Japanese was posted on March 4, 2022)


A week has passed since Russian military invasion of Ukraine began, and there is still no sign of a ceasefire. The sacrifices of Ukrainian citizens who continue to fight against the war and Russian soldiers have been piling up. Russian anti-government protesters have been detained.

Thirty years ago, Russia was supposed to have transitioned to a democratic system. However, for the last 22 years, since the time when Boris Yeltsin resigned the presidency of Russia, the state power continued to be monopolized by one man who believed in the “restoration of Great Russia.” The problem is the concentration and prolongation of power. Top officials who attempt to legalize the authoritarian politics during their own tenure are unreliable. Whether in the West or the East, what they have in common is authoritarian, self-righteous, cliquey, and narcissistic temperament. Moreover, they are surrounded by those who flatter the persons in strong power, curry favor with tem for gain and benefit, suppress objections and incite societal divisions.

In December last year, I cited the research findings of the V-Dem Institute, based in Sweden, and expressed concerns about the retreat of democracy and the growth of despotism.

According to the institute, the transformation into despotism of democratic nations proceeds through the following processes: (1) legitimately taking power through elections, (2) controlling the media and speech to divide societies, and (3) controlling elections themselves. These processes above are indeed conducted in some countries. Some other countries even achieve the (3) through violence. There are also countries where the (3) has already been achieved. Of course, some countries do not stray into these processes.

Now we need to look at the world again from the perspective of such power and politics  and confront the risks to “freedom.” In short, we have to beware of those who cry out for the justice and the cause of history in heroic words.


This Week’s Focus, March 4, 2022

Takashi Mizukoshi, the President