Haircare Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2024
Haircare Market in FY2023 Valued at 524,550 Million Yen, 101.5% of Previous Fiscal Year
Yano Research Institute (the President, Takashi Mizukoshi) has conducted a survey on the domestic haircare market, and found out the trends by category, the market player trends, and future perspectives.

Market Overview
The size of hair care market (as a total of 4 categories) grew to 103.5% of the preceding fiscal year to 524,550 million yen in FY2023. As consumers began going out more frequently after years of pandemic restrictions, awareness to maintain or improve hair health and appearance increased. This shift made consumers more willing to accept higher-priced hair care products and expanded the demand for hair growth products. Meanwhile, as the hair restoration and transplantation segment approached maturity, the market growth began to level off.
Future Outlook
The hair care market faces several risks, including population decline, labor shortages, and rising raw material costs driven by exchange rate fluctuations. However, there are also positive factors at play. For example, the extension of the retirement age and the increasing number of active seniors work positively for the market, as it may elongate their customer lifespan, thereby increasing the lifetime value per customer.
Additionally, many individuals in their 20s and 30s that are beginning to experience hair thinning have not yet sought treatment or product to address their concerns. This presents a promising opportunity for the haircare market. To reach this demographic, promotional strategies have shifted online, with social media platforms and YouTube advertising gaining significant traction.
Research Outline
2.Research Object: Enterprises, organizations, and industrial bodies
3.Research Methogology: Face-to-face interviews (including online) by our specialized researchers, surveys by telephone and email, and literature research
What is the Haircare Market?
The haircare market in this research indicates the following four categories: 1) hair restoration, 2) hair transplantation, 3) hair growth products, and 4) haircare products. The "hair restoration" includes the sales of wigs, services to treat/care hair thinning or hair loss, and products sold in conjunction with such services. The haircare products include shampoos, conditioners, and treatments aimed at maintaining or improving hair health and appearance.
<Products and Services in the Market>
Hair restoration, hair transplantation, hair growth products, haircare products
Published Report
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