Natural & Organic Cosmetics Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2024
Natural & Organic Cosmetics Market for FY2023 Estimated at 177,900 Million Yen, 103.9% of Preceding Fiscal Year
Yano Research Institute (the President, Takashi Mizukoshi) carried out a survey on the natural & organic cosmetics market in Japan and found out the market trends by product category and by channel, trends of market players, and future outlook.

Market Overview
The natural & organic cosmetics market size was valued at 177,900 million yen for FY2023, representing 103.9% of the previous fiscal year. A key driver of market growth was the increased interest in environmental protection and eco-friendly lifestyles, which led to greater recognition and understanding of natural and organic cosmetics. The market expansion was further supported by strong sales from brands with direct-operated stores. The lifting of COVID-19 restrictions boosted foot traffic, contributing to a rise in retail sales at physical stores.
In recent years, manufacturers have been actively launching new natural cosmetics brands, including those marketed under the "clean beauty" label, which has gained significant attention in Europe and the United States. While interest in natural and organic cosmetics continues to grow, there appears to be untapped potential for domestic brands. Additionally, several drugstores have introduced private-label natural cosmetics, which we believe has helped increase brand awareness and enhance societal understanding of natural and organic products.
Noteworthy Topics
Communicating Correct Information & Acquiring Entry Customers
Although the potential for the domestic natural and organic cosmetics market is high, it still represents a small fraction of the multi-billion industry, accounting for less than ten percent of the 2,478 billion yen market as of FY2023*. Moreover, growth in Japan appears to be slower than in overseas markets.
This sluggish growth can be partly attributed to a lack of effective communication between brands and consumers. While many natural and organic cosmetics brands are overseas brands, Japanese consumers have not been thoroughly provided with information about these products. To drive the market growth, cosmetics brands must provide accurate information about natural and organic products to Japanese consumers.
The small size of the natural and organic cosmetics market in Japan reflects the perception that these products are "only for selective people," rather than for the average consumer. This mindset is especially prevalent when it comes to organic cosmetics. To expand the market, brands need to focus on attracting new customers who have not yet tried natural or organic products. It is crucial for brands to engage with potential customers by providing accurate information about the nature and benefits of their products.
* Press release “Cosmetics Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2024”
Future Outlook
The domestic natural and organic cosmetics market is projected to reach 186,700 million yen for FY2024, 104.9% of the previous fiscal year. The market remained resilient even during the COVID-19 crisis, as evidenced by a 0.8% year-on-year growth in FY2020. Growing societal interest in sustainability and well-being are key drivers of this market, a trend likely to continue into FY2024. Given the brands embarking on educating Japanese consumers about the nature and benefits of natural and organic cosmetics, we believe the market will continue to experience steady growth.
Research Outline
2.Research Object: Natural & organic cosmetics manufacturers, distributors, retailers, related organizations, etc.
3.Research Methogology: Face-to-face interviews by expert researchers (including online interviews), surveys via emails, and literature research
Natural & Organic Cosmetics
Natural cosmetics in this research refers to those cosmetics applicable to both of the following conditions: 1) Natural plants are used as chief ingredients; 2) Use of chemically synthesized compounds is restrained.
Organic cosmetics in this research refers to those cosmetics that fall into one of the following conditions: 1) Those certified as “organic” by a third-party institution, 2) Organic materials from in-house or tie-up farms are used in large part of ingredients, and 3) Organic materials are used for most of the brand’s product mix.
<Products and Services in the Market>
Skin care products, body care products, haircare products, and make-up products of natural & organic cosmetics
Published Report
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