Weather Business Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2024
Weather Business Market Size Estimated at 45,300 Million Yen for FY2022, Up by 6.8% from Preceding Fiscal Year
Yano Research Institute (the President, Takashi Mizukoshi) has conducted a survey of the domestic weather business market to identify market trends as well as market player trends.

Market Overview
Size of the weather business market was estimated at 45,300 million yen for FY2022, up by 6.8% from the preceding fiscal year (based on the sales of licensed forecasting services, excluding national institutions, local authorities, and broadcasting companies.)
In addition to the increase in the number of licensed forecasting services and the growing awareness for disasters (disaster prevention, disaster mitigation, risk avoidance, risk management, etc.), the need to use weather data for demand forecasting is gaining traction among businesses looking to expand their operations and/or reduce loss of business opportunities. Against this backdrop, the number of companies adopting weather services is increasing, and the weather business market is expanding moderately.
Noteworthy Topics
Utilization of Weather Data for Business Expansion & New Business Model Development
Combined with various data and analyzed at a high level, weather data is used for business decision making, business process improvement, and productivity enhancement. While the mainstay of the purpose of use had been disaster prevention/mitigation, crisis management, and risk avoidance until recently, application of weather information and weather data is expanding to a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, retail, agriculture, and leisure travel. Demand forecasting based on weather data is expected to increase business stream, reduce opportunity loss, add value to existing products and services, and lead to building a new business model.
For example, the use of demand forecast based on weather data for production management may lead to a reduction of manufacturing waste at manufacturers. In retail, it is possible to increase sales with the development of a sales plan based on the weather information. In agriculture, crop yield may be increased by optimizing cultivation management on the basis of weather data. In the leisure travel sector, tourist venues may offer discounts on entrance fee or other charges based on a demand forecast using weather data in order to increase of visitors and sales.
Future Outlook
The market size of weather business is projected to attain 48,430 million yen in FY2023, a rise by 6.9% from the previous fiscal year, and rise further by 7.0% to 51,840 million yen in FY2024.
In the face of severe and frequent natural disasters, companies and public authorities are increasingly aware of disaster preparedness, i.e., working on disaster prevention/mitigation, risk avoidance, and preparing countermeasures. Going forward, as companies and industries become more aware of the usefulness of weather data for demand forecasting, the demand for weather services will grow hereafter. Therefore, the weather services market is expected to grow steadily.
Research Outline
2.Research Object: Licensed forecasting services
3.Research Methogology: Face-to-face interviews by our expert researchers (including online interviews), survey via telephone and email, and literature research
What is the Weather Business Market?
The size of weather business market is calculated based on the sales (or ordinary revenue) of licensed forecasting services. We have estimated of gross sales (turnover) of entities dedicated to weather business and the sales of weather business at entities providing weather services as a part of their business portfolio and added them together to calculate the total market size.
The sales at licensed forecasting services include not only revenues from selling meteorological data/weather information, but also revenues from consulting, system development/operation support, and training regarding the utilization of meteorological data/weather information. Note that sales of television and radio broadcasting companies, administrative institutions like local governments, and companies whose financial information are not disclosed or unable to be estimated are excluded from the calculation of market size.
<Products and Services in the Market>
Weather data/information provided by licensed forecasting services, consulting, system development/operation support, and training regarding the utilization of weather data/information
Published Report
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