Water Delivery Service Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2023
Water Delivery Market for FY2023 Projected to Grow by 3.9% from Previous Fiscal Year
Yano Research Institute (the President, Takashi Mizukoshi) has conducted a survey on the domestic water delivery service market and its peripheral market, and found out the trends by segment, the trends of market players, and future perspective.

Market Overview
The size of the water delivery market was estimated at 175 billion yen for FY2022, showing a growth of 2.3% of the previous year's level, based on the retail price. Due to the easing of pandemic restrictions, businesses were able to conduct demo sales at commercial facilities, leading to the acquisition of new customers.
Meanwhile, many companies also experienced a downward trend in water consumption at home. The decline in FY2022 attributed to the relaxation of behavioral restrictions that led people to go out more and commute to office, which in turn decreased the time spent at home, as well as to the raise of prices following the increase in delivery fees, which discouraged customers from purchasing bottled water.
Noteworthy Topics
New Market Entries to Bottle-fed Water Dispenser Market
While both the market of point-of-use (POU) water cooler and bottle-fed water dispenser showed rapid growth in FY2020, expansion of the bottle-fed water dispenser market in the last few years has been particularly remarkable. Backed by the advantage of not requiring any kind of installation work, water delivery businesses have started, or are considering, the release of bottle-fed water dispenser as one of their product lines.
Starting with Mt.Fuji Springs Inc. in April 2021, water delivery services like Premium Water Holdings and Saisan Home Service are embarking on the sales of bottle-fed water filtration dispenser in November 2022 and March 2023, respectively. Furthermore, TOKAI, another water delivery provider, and Water Stand, which mainly sells POU dispenser, entered the business of bottle-fed water dispenser business in April 2023. With the new market entries, continuous growth is anticipated for the market of water dispenser.
Future Outlook
The water delivery market is expected to reach 103.9% of the previous year to 181.8 billion yen for FY2023, based on the end-user price.
Some water delivery service providers extended their offerings to water filtration dispenser for the purpose of retaining existing customers and acquiring new customers. In fact, the market witnessed the cases where existing customers switched from water delivery contract to water filtration dispenser contract. Considering the situation, the growth rate of the water delivery service market is projected to slow down gradually.
Research Outline
2.Research Object: Home and office water delivery business; [business type] manufacturers, retailers; [product] water bottle & top-loading dispenser, water bottle & bottom-loading dispenser, Bottle-fed Water Dispenser (or a Bottled Water Dispenser), bottleless water cooler typically called Point-of-Use (POU) dispenser or plumbed-in water dispenser
3.Research Methogology: Face-to-face interviews by our expert researchers (including online interviews), survey via telephone, and literature research
What is the Water Delivery Market?
In this research, the water delivery market refers to the businesses in the delivery of mineral water for home and office, which is provided together with a water dispenser. The market size is calculated based on the retail price. However, the service that offers water in other forms, such as the service that only lends water dispensers (including both conventional water servers and POU water servers) and the delivery of mineral water in PET bottles are not included.
<What is the Bottle-fed Water Dispenser (or a Bottled Water Dispenser)?>
In these dispensers, the user manually fills water bottles (which are typically used in top-loading or bottom-loading models) with tap water. The water is purified through filters and stored in built-in tank. It is also called water purifier dispenser or purifier-and-dispenser-in-one.
<What is the Point-of-Use (POU) Water Cooler?>
Point-of-use (POU) water cooler is a type of water server that is connected directly to the plumbing system, to use tap water to produce clean water with powerful filter and store in built-in tank. When filtered water is used, the server automatically produces purified water again and refills the tank.
<Products and Services in the Market>
Water delivery services, bottle-fed water dispenser, POU water cooler
Published Report
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