
IT Professional Recruitment & Training Services Market in Japan: Key Research Findings 2024

IT Professional Recruitment & Training Services Market (as a Total of 3 Markets) Estimated at 1,175.4 Billion Yen in FY2022, Up by 10.8% from Preceding Fiscal Year

Yano Research Institute (the President, Takashi Mizukoshi) surveyed the markets of IT professional training services, IT professional (IT engineer) temporary staffing services, and IT professional recruitment services, and found out the market trends by category, the trends of market players, and future perspectives.

Transition and Forecast of IT Professional Recruitment & Training Services Market Size (as a Total of 3 Markets)
Transition and Forecast of IT Professional Recruitment & Training Services Market Size (as a Total of 3 Markets)

Market Overview

The size of the IT professional recruitment & training services market (as a total of IT professional training services market, IT professional [IT engineer] temporary staffing services market, and IT professional recruitment services market) was estimated at 1,175.4 billion yen for FY2022, up by 10.8% from a previous fiscal year.

As promotion of digital transformation and digitization gain momentum among enterprises in recent years, the demand for IT professionals is rising and corporate needs for IT skill training (or reskilling) programs remain high. With intensifying competition to secure best IT professionals, employer needs to outsource recruitment services and to use temporary staffing services hover high. Under the circumstances, the market is growing stably.

Noteworthy Topics

Market Trends by Service

With continued imbalance between supply and demand for tech talents, we believe employers are increasingly motivated to invest in educating/training IT professionals. Furthermore, a rising demand for new skillsets associated with the increasing use of generative AI and data analytics in business is propelling the demand for the IT professional training services. For these reasons, the market is expected to stay on the uptrend.

Going forward, the IT professional (IT engineer) temporary staffing service market is expected to grow further with demand expansion across industries stemming from the shortage of IT professionals, while the rise in unit price due to supply-demand imbalances and base-pay increase in labor market underpins the market size. On the other hand, there is a concern that as competition for available tech talent intensifies, temporary staffing services also face predicaments in finding high-caliber candidates.

Additionally, the IT professional recruitment service market is also projected to expand for the foreseeable future. Shortage of IT professionals such as IT engineers and an increase of IT investments in many industries and companies, including IT-related companies such as telecoms and Siers, stemming from the trend of digital transformation or digitization, it is assumed that the demand for IT professionals remain high.

Future Outlook

The IT professional recruitment and training services market is projected to grow by 8.2% on a year-over-year basis to 1,272.0 billion yen for FY2023. Stemming from the promotion of digital transformation, which worsens IT professional shortage, propels employer needs to train or reskill employees at IT/digital jobs, increase needs to outsource recruiting of IT professionals or utilize human resources, the market is expected to expand further.

In addition, going forward, expansion in the use of new digital technologies and tools like generative AI is expected to give rise to the demand for new skills, training related to the new skills, as well as for the recruiting and utilization of talents, which will work in favor for the market.

Research Outline

1.Research Period: December 2023 to February 2024
2.Research Object: IT professional training service providers, IT professional temporary staffing services, IT professional recruitment service providers, etc.
3.Research Methogology: Face-to-face interviews by expert researchers (including online interviews), surveys via telephone & email, and literature search

IT Professional Recruitment & Training Services Market

The IT professional recruitment and training services market in this research refers to 1) IT professional training service market, 2) IT professional (IT engineer) temporary staffing service market, and 3) IT professional recruitment service market. IT professionals in this research means individuals whose position are assigned to work associated with information technology in a broad sense, such as IT engineers (that develop, implement, and/or manage computer systems and networks; for example, system architects, system engineers, programmers, and network engineers, regardless of skill levels or specialty), specialists of digital technologies and data analytics (data analysts, data scientists, AI engineers, etc.), digital transformation managers, digital transformation project managers, web designers, and digital creators.

1) The IT professional training service market refers to the market of services that provide employee training on IT knowledge and skills to meet specific employer needs at various skill levels and specialties (based on corporate contract). Such services are, for instance, education for programmers and SEs; training on web development, information processing, or computer operation; training for specialists of digital technologies and data analytics (data scientists, AI engineers); training for system architects; and training for digital transformation managers and digital transformation project managers.

2) The IT professional (IT engineer) temporary staffing service market refers to the market of temporary staffing services that hires individuals to be in charge of tasks associated with information processing and system networks. Individuals to be staffed are primarily IT engineers of various specialties at all skill levels, and target tasks are those related to information technology in general, such as enterprise system development, application development, cloud services, database development, web services, etc., as well as consultation, design, development, operation, and maintenance of IT networks/servers (i.e., technical domain). Target also include individuals that utilize AI and other state-of-the-art IT technologies (data scientists, AI engineers, etc.), and personnel for digital transformation projects.

3) The IT professional recruitment service market refers to the services that find IT professionals like IT engineers for information processing and network development/management, specialists of state-of-the-art technologies like AI (data scientists, AI engineers, etc.), and individuals for digital transformation projects, on behalf of client companies.

<Products and Services in the Market>

IT professional training services, IT professional (IT engineer) temporary staffing services, IT professional recruitment services

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