Clinical Laboratory Test Market 2024
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Coverage: (Product/service)
Clinical Laboratory Tests
Research Target:
Manufacturers of clinical laboratory test reagents and devices
Research Content:
I Clinical Laboratory Test Market Perspectives
- Market size (as a total of clinical test agents & equipment) in 2023 totaled 1,449,300 million yen
- Industry restructuring advances mainly by leading enterprises
- Progress in industry reorganization led by major companies
- Noteworthy M&A by domestic companies
- Global companies also gaining momentum
- Overview of the clinical laboratory test market
- Certain level of demand remains for tests for COVID-19 in FY2024
- Business size of major domestic clinical lab testing companies by field
- Structure of the clinical diagnostic reagents/devices market and the role of clinical testing labs
- From the viewpoint of distribution
- Blood culture specimens showing steady growth even during COVID situation
- Brisk demand for genetic POCT products
- Current status of OTC testing and self-blood collection from the viewpoint of self-medication
- Future perspectives
II Perspectives of Noteworthy Clinical Laboratory Tests Market/Sector
- Business Trends on Biochemical/Immune Tests
- Business Trends Associated with Expansion of Cancer Screening
- Business Trends Associated with Expansion of Genetic Testing
- Business Trends Viewed from Tendency of New Products of Clinical Laboratory Tests
- Attention-Attracting Test Items against a backdrop of Growth Potential and Size
III Trends of Major Manufacturers of Clinical Diagnostic Reagents and Devices
32 enterprises