Haircare Industry Marketing 2024

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150,000 yen ($976.88)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($1,953.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($2,930.64)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Haircare industry

Research Target:

Haircare service providers, hair transplantation clinics, hair growth/restoration service providers, hair care agent manufacturers, hair salons, barber shops, aesthetic salon operators

Research Content:

I   Haircare Market Overview

1. FY2023 Haircare Market Overview
2. Transition of Market Size (FY2019 to FY2023)
3. Composition Ratio of Market Size in FY2023
4. Comparison of Market Growth Rate (FY2019 to FY2023)
5. Market Challenges and Future Outlook
6. Forecast of Market Size (FY2024 to FY2028)
Reference: Medical Care Guideline for Men's & Women's Alopecia 2017 Edition

II   Trend Analysis of Hair Restoration Market

1. Market Overview
1) Wigs, hair restoration
2) Services, product sales
2. Transition of Market Size (FY2019 to FY2023)
3. Comparison of Market Growth Rate (FY2019 to FY2023)
4. Composition Ratio of Hair Business Market Size in FY2023
5. Marketing Strategies by Market Players
6. Market Share (FY2020 to FY2023)
7. Market Challenges and Future Outlook
1) Key segment in men’s is “around 40” generation
2) Key segment in women’s is second-generation baby boomers 
3) Comprehensive hair business centered around “wigs”
8. Forecast of Market Size (FY2024 to FY2028)

III   Trend Analysis of Hair Transplantation

1. Hair Transplantation Market Overview
2. Transition of Hair Transplantation Market Size (FY2019 to FY2023)
3. Comparison of Market Growth Rate by Hair Type (FY2019 to FY2023)
4. Composition Ratio of Hair Transplantation Market by Hair Type in FY2023
5. Trends of Market-Entered Facilities
6. Market Share (FY2021 to FY2023, top 6 facilities)
7. Market Challenges and Future Outlook
1) Increasing cases of hair transplantation treatment among young men
2) More women transplant their own hair for beauty purposes
3) Medical tourism
8. Forecast of Market Size (FY2023 to FY2027)

IV    Trend Analysis of Hair Growth Products Market

1. Market Overview
2. Transition of Market Size (FY2019 to FY2023)
3. Comparison of Market Growth Rate by Channel (FY2019 to FY2023)
4. Market Size by Channel in FY2023
5. Trends of Minoxidil 5% Hair-loss Treatment Solution (22 companies)
6. Marketing Strategies at Market Players
7. Market Share (FY2021 to FY2023)
8. Market Challenges and Future Outlook
9. Forecast of Market Size (FY204 to FY2028)

V. Haircare Products Market Analysis

1. Market Overview
2. Transition of Haircare Products Market Size (FY2019 to FY2023)
3. Comparison of Growth Rate by Market (FY2019 to FY2023)
4. Composition Ratio of Haircare Products Market Size in FY2023
5. Marketing Strategies at Market Players
6. Market Share (FY2020 to FY2023)
7. Market Challenges and Future Outlook
1) Rise of D2C brands (fabless manufacturers)
2) Brands targeting the Z generation is gaining power
3) Competition intensify for premium products
8. Forecast of Market Size (FY2023 to FY2027)

VI. Marketing Strategies at 22 Leading Market Players and Facilities

  • Hair Restoration (5 companies)
  • Hair Transplantation (2 company)
  • Hair Growth Products (4 companies)
  • Haircare Products (11 companies)


written in Japanese
150,000 yen ($976.88)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($1,953.76)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($2,930.64)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type