Payment Service Market 2024

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230,000 yen ($1,497.88)
(excluding consumption tax)
460,000 yen ($2,995.77)
(excluding consumption tax)
690,000 yen ($4,493.65)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Payment Services

Research Target:

Payment service providers, convenience store

Research Content:

The receiving agent service by convenience stores or the direct debit service were thought to be replaced by growing cashless payment services but are showing stable growth.
Direct debit services are highly reputed for lower costs than credit cards, though depending on the price range. If the convenience improves, users may expand furthermore.
The report gives insights into analytics on the market size, trends, strategy of receiving agent and direct debit services.


I   General Remarks

  1. Environment surrounding Receiving Agent/Payment Services Market (Market Overview, Market Trends, Market Size)
  2. Environment surrounding Direct Debit (Market Overview, Market Trends, Market Size)
  3. Environment surrounding Receiving Agent Services at Convenience Stores (Market Overview, Market Trends, Market Size)
  4. Environment surrounding Payment/Settlement Service Market (Market Overview, Market Trends, Market Size)

II    Trends by Segment

  1. Trend and Perspectives of Direct Debit Market
    1) Outline
    2) Mechanism
    3) Business Models
    4) When to Use the Service
    5) Business Outline at Leading Companies
    6) Characteristics of Leading Companies
    7) Business Strategy at Leading Companies
    8) Target Audience at Leading Companies
    9) Needs at Client Companies Thought by Leading
    10) Market Size
    11) Deployment Examination
    12) Challenges at Leading Companies
    13) Challenges for Entire Market
    14) Forecast and Perspectives
  2. Trend and Perspectives of Receiving Agent Services at Convenience Stores
    1) Outline of Convenience-Store Receiving Agent
    2) Mechanism
    3) Initiatives by Convenience Stores
    4) Outline of Major Convenience-Store Receiving Agent
        Service Providers
    5) Outline of Convenience-Store Receiving Agent
    6) Characteristics of Major Convenience-Store
        Receiving Agent Service Providers
    7) Business Strategy by Major Convenience-Store
        Receiving Agent Service Providers
    8) Target Audience for Major Convenience-Store
        Receiving Agent Service Providers
    9) Market Size, Performance
    10) Challenges in the Market
    11) Challenges at Leading Companies
    12) Forecast and Perspectives
  3. Trends of Going Paperless in Transactions via Smartphone
    1) Outline of Going Paperless in Transactions via
    2) Social Meaning
    3) Mechanism
    4) Barcode provision method
    5) Market Size
    6) Challenges
    7) Market Forecast and Perspectives
  4. Status and Forecast on Payment Service Market
    1) Market Outline
    2) Market Size
    3) Sales Performance at Major Payment Service
    4) Trend and Strategies at Major Payment Service
    5) Service Characteristics and Business Expansion
    6) Market Forecast

III   Reference

Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Market

1) Market Outline
2) Paying Later via Code Payment and Prepaid Settlement
3) Market Playes and Capital Alliance Statuses
4) Alliance Partners of BNPL Service Providers
5) Business Model Comparison
6) Trends and Strategy by Major Payment Service Providers
7) BNPL Service Market Size Transition
8) Business Expansion Initiatives
9) BNPL Service Market Forecast

IV    Trends at Companies

  1. APLUS Co.,Ltd.
  2. JACCS CO., LTD.
  4. Densan System Co., Ltd. (DSK)
  5. DG Financial Technology,Inc.
  7. FamilyMart Co.,Ltd.ト


written in Japanese
230,000 yen ($1,497.88)
(excluding consumption tax)
460,000 yen ($2,995.77)
(excluding consumption tax)
690,000 yen ($4,493.65)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type