Jewelry Yearbook: Market Analysis 2024

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North America , Europe , Other Markets in Asia , Middle East , Africa , Other Areas in the World , Japan , United States , China
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180,000 yen ($1,172.26)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,344.51)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,516.77)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Jewelry retailing/manufacturing/wholesaling, bridal jewelries, men' jewelries, brand jewelries, accessories and inexpensive jewelries, jewelry business in U.S., China, India, Russia, Africa, Middle East

Research Target:

Jewelry manufacturers/retailers/wholesalers, consumers

Research Content:

The market has undergone dramatic changes triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, which forced stores to close or shorten the business hours, bringing about shakeout or reorganization among companies, while some blue-chips emerged by considering the unprecedented matter as the business opportunity. To survive the uncertain situations, obtaining beneficient information is a must.  
The report has compiled the research and analysis on the jewelry market from diverse aspects. It works as an indispensable dictionary for those who explore the changes in the industry. We provided an abundance of tables, charts, graphs, ranking, and corporate profiles to give insights into product development, sales flloor expansion, business strategy, customer strategy, new market entry, etc.  


I   Overview: Status and Future Outlook of Jewelry Market in Japan

  1. Transition and Forecasts of Jewelry Market Size
    1) Jewelry retail market size transition and forecast
    2) Jewelry manufacturing & wholesaling market size
        transition and forecast
    3) Relationship between Japanese economy and jewelry
    4) Market size comparison between jewelry and others
  2. Recent Newsworthy Topics
    1) Sales DX (digital transformation) drawing attention in
        jewelry market
    2) Bridal jewelry saw rise in unit selling price, despite
        decreased marrying couples
    3) Trend of Pearls in 2023
    4) Trend of imported jewelry updating record high sales
    5) Recycled jewelry market rose to 335,000 million yen,
        103.13% of previous year
    6) Environmental changes in overseas jewelry market
    7) Bankruptcy trends in jewelry industry
  3. Industrial Structure of Jewelry
  4. 50-Year History of Jewelry Industry

II   Consumer Trends

  1. Consumer Trend in Jewelry Market
  2. Consumer Trend Viewed from Household Expenditure
  3. Transition of Gold and Platinum Retail Prices

III    Jewelry Retail Market

  1. Trends of Jewelry Retail Market by Channel
  2. Trends of Jewelry Retail Market by Region
  3. Analysis by Sales Channel
    1) Jewelry specialty stores
    2) Department stores
    3) Mail order business
    4) Business to buy and sell pre-owned products
    5) Others (Kimono retailers, door-to-door sales, apparel
        stores, sales channel by different industries)

IV   Jewelry Manufacturing/Wholesaling Market

  1. Transition and Forecast of Jewelry Manufacturing/Wholesaling Market Size
  2. Trends of Leading Jewelry Manufacturers/Wholesalers

V    Jewelry Market Trends by Material

  1. Transition of Jewelry Market Size by Material
  2. Trends by Material
  • Gold/gold products
  • Platinum/platinum products
  • Diamonds
  • Colored stones/colored-stone products
  • Silver/silver products
  • Pearls/pearl products

VI    Market Trends by Product Category

  1. Bridal Jewelry
  2. Men's Jewelry
  3. Brand Jewelry

VII     Markets of Accessories and Inexpensive Jewelry

VIII    Overseas Jewelry Market

  1. Global Jewelry Market Size
  2. Jewelry Market Trends by Major Country
    1) United States
    2) China
    3) India
    4) Russia
    5) Other Areas
  3. Overseas Advancement Cases by Japanese Companies

IX   List of Rankings

  1. Jewelry sales ranking (retailers)
  2. Sales growth rate ranking (retailers, with annual jewelry sales 0.3 billion yen or more)
  3. Profitability ranking (retailers, with annual jewelry sales 0.3 billion yen or more)
  4. Jewelry sales ranking (wholesalers/manufacturers)
  5. Sales growth rate ranking (wholesalers/manufacturers, with annual jewelry sales 0.3 billion yen or more)
  6. Profitability ranking (wholesalers/manufacturers, with annual jewelry sales 0.3 billion yen or more)


written in Japanese
180,000 yen ($1,172.26)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,344.51)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,516.77)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type