Confectionery Industry: Widely Distributed Confectionery Products 2024

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200,000 yen ($1,302.51)
(excluding consumption tax)
400,000 yen ($2,605.01)
(excluding consumption tax)
600,000 yen ($3,907.52)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Widely Distributed Confectionery: chocolate, cookies/biscuits, rice crackers, beans snacks, potato/corn snacks/chips, crisps, chewing gums, candies/toffees/gummies)

Research Target:

Manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, and consumers

Research Content:

With bustling of people recovered in and out of the post-pandemic country, the market of widely distributed confectionery has kept being flourishing, due to recovered demand for pocket-size confectionery and favorable sales of biscuits and snacks. Despite the recent commodity price hikes that tightens consumer spending, the confectionery market has shown robust growth.
In recent years, manufacturers take the OEM strategy for widely distributed confectionery and for souvenir sweets. OEM business has become an important pillar or the revenue base for some of middle-size confectionery manufacturers.
This report has added the confectionery OEM market to cover its trends, challenges, and future perspectives in addition to overall confectionery market overviews. It gives some insights into diversifying confectionery industry.


I   Entire Market Trends of Widely Distributed Confectionery

  1. Widely Distributed Confectionery Market Trends
    1) Entire Market Size Transition
    2) Market Size Transitions by Product Category and
    3) Composition Ratio by Region
    4) Composition Ratio by Channel
    5) Market Size Forecast (FY2024-FY2028)
  2. Topics in Market
    1) Influence of Price Revisions on Sales
    2) Responding to Health-Conscious Consumers in Widely
        Distributed Confectionery Market
    3) Recovery of Inbound Customer Demand
    4) Trends of Overseas Business Development
    5) Efforts toward 2024 Logistics Issues
    6) Efforts toward SDGs

II   Market Player Ranking

III    Trends by Product Category

  1. Chocolate
  2. Biscuits
  3. Rice Crackers and Other Rice Confectionery
  4. Beans Snacks and Confectionery
  5. Snacks and Crisps
  6. Chewing gums
  7. Candies, Toffees and Gummies
  8. Other Confectionery Products
  9. Imported Confectionery and Sweets
  10. Cereals

IV   Trends of Confectionery Wholesalers

  1. Structure of Confectionery Distribution
  2. Trend of Confectionery Wholesaling

-Confectionery OEM Market Anaysis

  1. Trend of Confectionery OEM Market
  2. Confectionery OEM/ODM Market Size and Market Trends
    1) Market Size Transition (FY2019-FY2023)
    2) Market Composition by Route of Confectionery OEMs
    3) Souvenir Sweets Market Trends
    4) Gift OEM Market Trends
    5) OEM in Distribution Business
    6) Secondary Packaging of Confectionery
    7) OEM Matching Service
  3. Challenges in Confectionery OEM and Future Market Size Forecast (FY2023-FY2026)
  4. Questionnaire Results on Confectionery OEM
    1) OEM sales composition
    2) Sales growth rate in confectionery OEM business
    3) Processes commissioned by confectionery OEMs
    4) Product categories available for contract
        manufacturing, available temperature ranges
    5) Applications of confectioneries commissioned by OEM
    6) Strength in confectionery OEM
    7) Increase/Decrease in number of OEM inquiries, types
        of inquiries increasing
    8) Contract forms for confectionery OEM
    9) Quality management system at factory
    10) Future intention of capital investment
    11) Challenges felt in confectionery OEM business
    12) Requests to clients on confectionery OEM and What
         business or things you wish to expand

V    Noteworthy Company Profiles

  • Confectionery Manufacturers: 27 companies
  • Confectionery Wholesalers/Importers: 4 companies


written in Japanese
200,000 yen ($1,302.51)
(excluding consumption tax)
400,000 yen ($2,605.01)
(excluding consumption tax)
600,000 yen ($3,907.52)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.55 yen , 2025/02/14 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type