Corporate Gift Market 2024
Coverage: (Product/service)
Corporate Gifts
Research Target:
Department stores, gift specialty stores, flower shops, variety stores, online retailers, shops by traffic channel, social gift companies, gift certificate/voucher providers, catalog gift companies, novelty companies, food manufacturers, post offices, telecommunication companies, convenience stores, general merchandisers
Research Content:
Corporate gift market had a blow during COVID-19 crisis, as events and exhibitions were canceled, and the feelings of recession suspended sales promotions. However, more companies have begun using gifts as a communication tool and a solution of being away from one another, which led corporate gifts to diversify especially in the areas of B2B and B2E gifts. Furthermore, as can see from prospering market of childcare gifts, the gifts from municipalities to citizens are showing shifts from cash to physical gifts.
I Entire Gift Market Size Transition and Forecast
- Entire Gift Market Size Transition
- Market Trends by Category
1) Market Trend by Occasion
2) Market Trend by Sales Channel
3) Market Trend by Item
II Corporate Gift Market Size Transition and Forecast
- Corporate Gift Market Size Transition
- Definition of Corporate Gifts
- Market Size Transition by Category
- Social Gift (e-Gift) Market Trends
1) Social Gifts Outline
2) Trend of Corporate Gifts in Social Gifts - Trend by Industry
- Noteworhty Topics and Trends
1) Corporate gifts have been revalued
2) Invigorated market due to prosperous B2E gifts and
G2C gifts
3) Strong support for corporate gifts from the viewpoint
of "workload reduction"
III Market Trend by Occasion
- B2C (Business to Consumers) Gifts
- B2B (Business to Business) Gifts
- B2E (Business to Employees) Gifts
- G2C (Government to Consumers) Gifts
IV Market Trend by Item
- Foods
- Flowers
- Miscellaneous Goods
- Gift Certificates/Vouchers, Gift Cards
- Gifts that can be chosen from catalog
- Experience-Based Gifts
V Market Trend by Sales Channel
- Department Stores
- Direct Sales Channels
- Specialty Stores
1) Gift specialty stores
2) Flower shops
3) Variety stores - Online Retailers
- Traffic Channel (Shops owned by traffic-related companies)
- Others
1) General merchandisers
2) Convenience stores
3) Telecommunication Channel
4) Post Office Channel
VI Case Studies by Major Companies
- Department stores
- Specialty stores
- Online retailers
- Traffic channel
- Social gift companies
- Gift certificate/voucher providers, gift card providers
- Companies providing gifts to choose from catalogs
- Novelty company
- Food manufacturers
- Others