Industrial Sensor Market 2022

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150,000 yen ($1,057.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($2,115.06)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($3,172.59)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Industrial sensors

Research Target:

Noteworthy enterprises and organizations manufacturing and studying various types of industrial sensors

Research Content:

I. Temperature Sensors 

  1-1.Noteworthy characteristics of contact temperature sensors
  1-2.Characteristics of contact temperature sensors by type
  1-3.Types and characteristics of non-contact temperature sensors
2.Latest Trends of Temperature Sensor Market 
  2-1.Market overview of contact temperature sensors
  2-2.Characteristics of non-contact temperature sensors 
3.Trends of Non-Contact Temperature Sensors
  3-1.Market size of infrared detection and application devices
  3-2.Trends of each market of infrared devices
  3-3.Details of non-contact temperature sensors/thermometers market
4.Trends of Temperature Sensor/Thermometer Manufacturers
  4-1.Noteworthy manufacturers of contact temperature sensors/thermometers
  4-2.Noteworthy manufacturers of non-contact temperature sensors/thermometers

II. Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging 

  1-1.Bioimaging is an attention-grabbing field in imaging technology 
  1-2.Standing wave and near-infrared wavelength of fluorescence imaging 
  1-3.Development of fluorescence probes is accelerated
  1-4.Characteristics of fluorescence imaging devices
2.Trends of Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging Market
  2-1.Market share of fluorescence imaging in the related market
  2-2.Trends of near-infrared fluorescence imaging market 
3.Attempts at Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging Companies

III. Printed Sensors 

  1-1.Streamlined by major simplification of production processes
  1-2.Printed sensors in flexible form and organic electronics
  1-3.Characteristics of printed bio sensors
  1-4.Types and characteristics of blood glucose monitors
2.Market Outline and Outlook of Printed Bio Sensors
  2-1.Market size of printed sensors
2-2.Latest trends of biosensor market 
3.Printed Sensors
  3-1.Many sensors have deployed printing process
  3-2.Various advantages of organic sensors
  3-3.Semiconductor industry associations focus on FHE
4.Trends of Printing Methods and Market Release
  4-1.Difference between “printing” and “coating”
  4-2.Major printing methods for printed sensors
  4-3.Examples of printed sensor products
5.Future Outlook of Printed Sensors
  5-1.Transition of printed sensor market size 
  5-2.Outline of other types of printed sensors (non-bio sensors)
  5-3.Outline of other types of printed sensors (by printing method)
6.Case Studies of Printed Sensor Manufacturers
  6-1.Brewer Science,Inc.
  6-2.ISORG, SA. /Techno Alpha Co., Ltd.
  6-3.Elephantech Inc.
  6-4.Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo 
<Graphene-Based Sensors>
  1-1.Next-generation printed sensors and graphene-based sensors
2.Outlook of graphene-based sensors and organic sensors market
  2-1.Trends of graphene and graphene related materials market (GRM)
  2-2.Market trends of printed sensors by material type
3.Attempts of Noteworthy GRM Manufacturers and Institutions
  3-1.ICFO / Graphenea S.A
  3-2.Imagine Intelligent Materials Pty Ltd / Asteria Corporation

IV. Wearable Sensors 

  1-1.Biometric data gathering function of wearable products
  1-2.Outline of wearable biometric monitors 
  1-3.FHE technology and smart patches
2.Trends of Wearable Devices and Smart Patches 
  2-1.Current situation and outlook of wearable devices market
  2-2.Overview of wearable sensors
  2-3.Trends of printed sensors for wearable devices
3.Attempts at Noteworthy Companies
  3-1.DexCom,Inc. / Terumo Corporation
  3-2.MC10,Inc. / Marubun Corporation

V. Robotic Sensors 

  1-1.Outline of industrial robots and cobots
  1-2.Outline of sensors for industrial robots and cobots
2.Market Overview of Industrial Robots and Robotic Sensors
  2-1.Demand outlook of industrial robots
  2-2.Current status and outlook of robotic sensors market
3.Robot End Effector
  3-1.Generic robot and end effector
  3-2.Types and characteristics of end effectors
  3-3.Outline of sensors for end effectors
4.Overview of End Effector Market
  4-1.Trends of end effector market 
  4-2.Total market size of sensors for industrial robots
  4-3.Market trends of sensors for end effectors
  4-4.Details of sensors for industrial robots by type
5.Attempts at Noteworthy Companies 
  5-1.OnRobot A/S / OnRobot Japan
  5-2.TE Connectivity Ltd. 
  5-3.Universal Robots A/S 
  5-4.FANUC Corporation


written in Japanese
150,000 yen ($1,057.53)
(excluding consumption tax)
300,000 yen ($2,115.06)
(excluding consumption tax)
450,000 yen ($3,172.59)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 141.84 yen , 2024/09/19 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type