Ecommerce Website Designing Service Market 2021

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Japan , China , Korea


180,000 yen ($1,166.48)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,332.97)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,499.45)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 154.31 yen , 2024/05/08 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Ecommerce Website Designing Services

Research Target:

Ecommerce Website Designing Services Providers in Japan and South Korea, ecommerce website platforms in China, etc.

Research Content:

I   Overview

  1. Ecommerce website designing service market and topics
  2. Size of ecommerce website designing service market
  3. Perspectives of ecommerce website designing service market

II   Domestic Ecommerce Market Trends

  1. Ecommerce market trends and size
  2. Transition of ecommerce websites and characteristics by channel
    1) Categorization of ecommerce websites and strategies by channel
    2) D2C (Direct-to-consumers)

III   Ecommerce Website Designing Service Market Trends

  1. Market trends
  2. Market players and business models
  3. Strategies and business directions at service providers
  4. Market size
  5. Market size forecast and perspectives

IV   Trends of Ecommerce Website Designing Service Providers

  1. Market outline
  2. Categories of service vendors
  3. Business models
  4. Trends of sales performance
  5. Trend analysis
  6. Service outline and characteristics of major vendors
  7. Price system of products of major vendors
  8. Characteristics of user companies of major vendors
  9. Business strategic analysis for major vendors
  10. Perspectives against competitions at major vendors
  11. Business challenges at major vendors
  12. Market perspectives for ecommerce website building support services

IV   Ecommerce Market Trends in China

  1. Current status of ecommerce market in China
  2. Major platforms for ecommerce market in China
  3. Cross-border ecommerce market status in China
  4. Live commerce market status in China

VI   Ecommerce Market Trends in South Korea

  1. Current status of ecommerce market in South Korea
  2. Ecommerce building support service market and business trends in South Korea
  3. Latest trend of ecommerce market in South Korea

VII  Company Profiles and Trends

15 enterprises



written in Japanese
180,000 yen ($1,166.48)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,332.97)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,499.45)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 154.31 yen , 2024/05/08 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type