Structural Changes in Japanese Industries and Growth Market in Post-COVID-19 World 2020
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Structural Changes in Japanese Industries and Growth Market in Post-COVID-19 World
Research Target:
Industries of Apparel, Cosmetics, Sports, Logistics/Retail, Jewelry, Food Services, Pachinko , Accommodation (Hotels/Inns), Education, Distribution/Warehousing, Housing/Construction,
Environment/Energy, Medical, Food Provisions/ Food/Beverages, Mobility, Batteries (Lithium Batteries), Chemical/Material, Electric/Precision/Electronic Parts and Machinery,
IT, Financial, and Games
Research Content:
I Introduction: The COVID-19 Crisis and Post-Corona Modalities
- Japanese economy is in the middle of unprecedented predicament
- New coronavirus pandemic has shortened the delay in structural reform by five years
- In post-corona, companies are asked for how it should be. Long-term perspectives for management strategies are needed to re-constructed
- COVID-19, How It Started and Went On (Dec. 2019 to Jun. 2020)
II Questionnaire Results on "Japanese Society and Growth Market after Mitigation of New Coronavirus
- Upon Understanding This Research:
- Research outline
- Characteristics of valid votes: Caution when reading the entire collected values (n=810)
- Survey slips
- Analysis on Research Results
- Perspectives of end of new coronavirus and influence to current operating performance
- Signifiant factors influencing performance
- New attempts triggered by new coronavirus pandemics
- Whether more demand for building domestic bases continues and whether intention to advance to overseas deteriorates
- Changes in the post-corona world
- Growth visions and policies that Japan should aim at
- Growing market and business opportunities in the post-corona world by category- Technologies, market and business opportunities that 810 business people focus on
III Influence of COVID-19 to Mainstream Industries and Business Opportunities Written by YRI Researchers:
- Influence To Current Performance Foreseen from Pandemic-Expanding Period to Current Status
- Mid-to-Long-Term Influence in World With-Corona/After-Corona
- Apparel Industry
- Cosmetics Industry
- Sports Industry
- Logistics/Retail Industry
- Jewelry Industry
- Food Service Industry
- Pachinko Industry
- Accommodation (Hotels/Inns) Industry
- Education Industry
- Distribution/Warehousing Industry
- Housing/Construction Industry
- Environment/Energy Industry
- Medical Industry
- Industries of Food Provisions, Food, and Beverages
- Mobility Industry
- Batteries (Lithium Batteries) Industry
- Chemical/Material Industry
- Electric/Precision/Electronic Parts and Machinery Industry
- IT Industry
- Financial Industry
- Game Industry (Analog games, Jigsaw Puzzles, and Video Games)