Questionnaire on Post-COVID-19 World and Enterprise Management 2020
Most Influential Technology or Business Opportunity to Future Industries is Considered as AI, Followed by Medical Care and DX, According to Questionnaire to CEOs and Businesspeople
Yano Research Institute (the President, Takashi Mizukoshi) carried out a large-scale questionnaire to CEOs and businesspeople at the forefront, to forecast the impact of COVID-19 pandemics to the sales performance for this term, and the changes in business environment after the pandemics are subdued. This press release makes clear of the technologies and business opportunities that are considered to give influence on future industries "With” and “After” COVID-19.
Summary of Research Findings
COVID-19 pandemics have deprived of the normal livelihood and gave seriously negative impact to the industries as a whole by disconnecting the distribution flow between people and products.
On the other hand, there are some positive influences under the pandemics. According to this questionnaire finding out the growth industries and business opportunities that businesspeople are interested in, digitization seems to have highly attracted attention. Though digitization has been in the spot light even before COVID-19, the attention to it seems to be strengthened by the pandemics.
In the situation where no subduing of the pandemics foreseeable, those businesses that are able to consider and challenge the situation as an opportunity toward changes rather than being pessimistic and are able to generate new values are likely to accelerate their activities.
Noteworthy Topics
Predicament Generates and Accelerates New Attempts
Aiming to forecast the influence of COVID-19 pandemics to the current sales performance at enterprises and the changes in corporate management, an online questionnaire was carried out to 810 CEOs of large or mid-size enterprises and to businesspeople, all of whom at the forefront of respective businesses. In the questionnaire, a question was asked to the respondents to freely list maximum two items (technologies, business opportunities, business models, products or services) considered as most influential to the future industry sector that their companies belong to.
When analyzed the responses by keyword, “AI” was listed in the largest number of responses, with 101 respondents having mentioned. “DX (digital transformation)” which has the similar concept as AI was mentioned in the third largest number of responses, at 59. The results show how digitization is regarded as an inevitable attempt for every industry to achieve.
“Medical care” also was the keyword that earned the second largest 62 mentioning by businesspeople. COVID-19 pandemics revealed how medical systems in Japan are vulnerable as a social infrastructure and how digitization is belated partly due to regulations. With high affinity with IT, telemedicine and predictive diagnosis are likely to be in demand even by peripheral markets.
In addition, next-generation vehicles (xEVs) have ranked at fourth position, mentioned in 55 responses. Autonomous driving, CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Shared & Service, Electric) and MaaS (Mobility as a Service) have also attracted attention across industries.
Research Outline
2.Research Object: Yano Research Institute service recipient members, etc.
3.Research Methogology: Online questionnaire, face-to-face interviews by the specialized researchers, survey via telephone/email, and literature research
Questionnaire on Post-COVID-19 World and Enterprise Management 2020
The online questionnaire to 810 CEOs of large or mid-size enterprises and to businesspeople who are the members of Yano Research Institute information delivery services was carried out between 22 April to 18 May 2020, during when the announcement of the “State of Emergency” was issued.
Please see below for the quick report on the influence of new coronavirus infections to the performance for the full business year (in Japanese).
The structural changes (as of June, the influence of COVID-19 pandemics to the current-term performance, mid-to-long-term views supposing people’s lives must be led along with COVID-19 and the views after the pandemics are subdued) for the following 21 industries have been summarized by our expert researchers:
1) Apparel 2) Cosmetics 3) Sports 4) Distribution and retail 5) Jewelry 6) Food services 7) Pachinko 8) Accommodation (hotels, inns) 9) Education 10) Logistics and warehousing 11) Housing and construction 12) Environment and energy 13)Medical care 14) Food and beverages 15) Mobility 16)Batteries (Lithium ion batteries) 17) Chemical and materials 18) Electric/precision/electronic parts and machines 19) IT 20) Finance and 21) Gaming
<Products and Services in the Market>
Questionnaire results, Structural changes in 21industries
Published Report
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