Printing Companies Analysis 2020
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Printing companies, disclosure-related companies, suppliers, equipments and materials of printing, etc.
Research Content:
I Current Status and Future Perspectives of Printing Industry
- Current status and future perspectives of Printing Industry
- The printing market size in FY2019 diminished the growth rate from previous fiscal year, but the market for FY2020 projected to be in predicament.
- With the shrinking demand for printing accelerated for the past few years, paper manufacturers have decreased production, and raised the price of printing paper
- The sales of total listed companies for FY2019 declined, recovery to the level before the collapse of Lehman Brothers has been difficult
- Total operating profits have increased significantly in FY2019 after decrease in FY2018
- Majority sees that decreasing demand for printing accelerates due to COVID-19 pandemics
- Not a long time is left for a drastic reform of the business structure
- Trend of Printing Market by Demand Sector
- Trend of Printing Market for Soft Packaging and Paper Containers
II Thorough Analysis of Printing Companies
- Big-Two Printing Groups: Toppan Printing and DNP
- Second-Tier and Noteworthy Printing Companies
- Disclosure-related Companies
- Form Printing Companies
- Seal Printing Companies
III Trends in Printing Equipment and Materials
IV Ranking of Printing Companies
- Nationwide sales ranking
- Sales ranking by prefecture
V Company Profiles
82 enterprises