Subscription Service Market 2020

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180,000 yen ($1,169.67)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,339.33)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,509.00)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.89 yen , 2024/07/27 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Subscription Services

Research Target:

Subscription Service Providers

Research Content:

I Current Status and Perspectives of Subscription Service Market

II   Market Size and Future Forecast

  1. Market Size Forecast of Subscription Services for Periodic Delivery of Clothing and Fashion Goods
  2. Market Size Forecast of Subscription Services for Food and Food Services
  3. Market Size Forecast of Subscription Services for Living Category
  4. Market Size Forecast of Subscription Services for Multiple residences in multiple regions
  5. Market Size Forecast of Subscription Services for Interactive Language Learning
  6. Market Size Forecast of Subscription Services for Digital Contents (Movie, Music)
  7. Reference: Market Size Forecast of Subscription Services for Home Delivery Service of Food, Cosmetics (e-commerce)
  8. Reference: Market Size Forecast of Subscription Services for B2B Subscription business

Case studies of Subscription support business

III   Profiles of Subscription Service Providers (Periodic Delivery of Clothing, Fashion Goods)

4 companies

  1. Company outline
  2. Reasons of market entry
  3. Services and business models
  4. Marketing
  5. User trends
  6. Strength in services, differentiation factors
  7. Challenges and solutions
  8. Future business development
  9. Market perspectives
  10. Alliance with other external companies

IV    Subscription Service Providers for Food and Food Services

3 companies

V   Subscription Service `Providers for Living Category

4 companies

VI   Subscription Service Providers for Multiple Residences in Multiple Regions

3 companies

VII   Subscription Service Providers for Interactive Language Learning

2 companies

VIII   Subscription Service Providers for Digital Contents

5 companies

IX   Subscription Service Platform Providers for B2C

8 companies

  1. Company outline
  2. Service outline and business models
  3. Strength in services and differentiation factors
  4. Future perspectives of the market and business policies

X  Subscription Service Platform Providers for B2B

3 companies

  1. Company outline
  2. Service outline and business models
  3. Strength in services and differentiation factors
  4. Future perspectives of the market and business policies

XI Brief Profiles of Subscription Service Providers

126 companies


written in Japanese
180,000 yen ($1,169.67)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,339.33)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,509.00)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 153.89 yen , 2024/07/27 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type