AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic LED) Screens and Major Components Market 2018-2019

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180,000 yen ($1,257.16)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,514.32)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,771.48)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type

Coverage: (Product/service)

Active matrix organic LED

Research Target:

Manufacturers of AMOLED Displays and Components

Research Content:

I   Current Status and Future Perspectives of AMOLED Displays and Major Components Market

  • The era transforms from Flexible to Foldable
  • The market players must capture next demand by utilizing the potential of AMOLED Displays
  • Superiority of AMOLED displays lies in the ability to promote something that generates unique designs of smartphones
  • It is possible for a new market to be generated depending on the improved performance of Foldable terminals
  • Rapidly growing OLED-TV expected to be mass merchandised by printing method
  • True entry to TV market can be achieved by OLED-TV market expansion via printing method 

II   Trend and Perspectives of AMOLED Display Market

  • With smartphone demand being matured, the expectation toward growth of small-and-midsize AMOLED displays has receded.
  • On the other hand, rapid expansion has shown for OLED-TV due to expansion in its size and use expected.
  • Size of the AMOLED displays market is likely to attain double-digit growth once again in 2018
  • Expansion of the OLED-TV market may likely to expand the display size in 2023 to be five times larger than that in 2017
  • The display size of Large-AMOLED displays shipped in 2019 is likely to exceed the total display size of small-to-midsize displays shipped.
  • Adoption of flexible OLED displays to smartphones is likely to increase, because flexible OLED displays are expected to improve the designs of the terminals
  • Adoption of In-vehicle AMOLED displays can increase if they can achieve high contrast and be flexible
  • The market of AMOLED displays for smartphones is likely to continue expanding but the growth level has been unexpectedly low. It is because of sluggish sales of iPhones and too-high price of those models embedded with AMOLED. 
  • POLED displays by LGD for Apple are scheduled to be shipped from 2019
  • SDC which enjoys the largest market share is likely to decline the current share in 2019 due to market entry by LGD and BOE
  • SDC has forecasted stagnant demand for smartphones and excessive supply, and has reconsidered the investment plan for AMOLED displays
  • On the other hand, BOE and LGD have strengthened to proactively acquire more shares of small-to-midsize AMOLED display market.
  • Because the demand has shifted to flexible circuits, Rigid OLED display market has shrunk.

III   Trend and Perspectives of AMOLED Display Components Market

  1. Market of Element Materials for AMOLED Displays
  2. Market of Base Materials for AMOLED Displays
  3. Market of Encapsulant for AMOLED Displays
  4. Market of Touchscreens for AMOLED Displays
  5. Market of Polarizing Plates for AMOLED Displays

IV   Perspectives of and Strategies at Manufacturers of AMOLED Displays and Components

16 manufacturers


written in Japanese
180,000 yen ($1,257.16)
(excluding consumption tax)
360,000 yen ($2,514.32)
(excluding consumption tax)
540,000 yen ($3,771.48)
(excluding consumption tax)
* Equivalent value in US$ (Today's rate : $1= 143.18 yen , 2024/09/20 Japan)
*Scope of Each License Type