Global RFID Solution Market: Key Research Findings 2022
Full-Scale Implementation of RFID Solutions Started Even in Innovation-Retarded Categories of Medical and Manufacturing
Yano Research Institute (the President, Takashi Mizukoshi) carried out a survey on the global and domestic RFID solution market in 2022, and found out the trends by product segment, trends of market players, and future perspectives. This report discloses the global market forecast.

Market Overview
The global RFID solution market that comprises RFID tags and their related appliances and systems has kept on growing due to full-scale implementation at apparel industry in recent years. In 2022, in addition to stable increase in shipment for distribution and retailing industry including apparel, expanding trends are observed in the fields of medical, manufacturing, and logistics, making the global market size of RFID solutions to achieve 1,265,300 million yen, 103.8% of the previous year, based on the shipment values at manufacturers.
Noteworthy Topics
Robust Verification for Operations, Cost Effectiveness, etc. is Essential for Further Growth
Although RFID is characterized by its ability to read multiple IC tags at once, if it cannot provide any functions that go beyond those of conventional barcode systems to user companies, further growth may be difficult. For instance, it is necessary to provide a function that enable to rewrite additional information that can be used as an identification of an object, and to make that rewritten information available to use at wherever possible, such as at manufacturing site and wherever the user company wishes to use it.
Not a few user companies currently introducing barcode systems are reluctant to deploy RFID, unless the price is similar to barcode systems. For such customers, it is necessary to show outright effects of RFID deployment or the values to be generated by using RFID, such as the cost reduction effect per business task. For the case difficult to show clear implementation effects unless the price of IC tags is low, it is necessary to help the actual verifications of effectiveness which should take into account of how users use RFID as well as the use environment at user companies.
Future Outlook
In Japan, too, there are stronger moves to use noncontact method, digitalization, and digital transformation, by which to make innovation to manufacturing, logistics, and medical sites, which increased the number of user companies considering implementation of RFID.
In such a situation, in addition to distribution and retailing for apparel market that has been leading in RFID initiative, the shipment in those industries such as manufacturing, medical, and distribution & retailing for non-apparel industries is projected to expand. The global RFID solution market size is expected to reach 1,536,300 million yen by 2026.
Research Outline
2.Research Object: RFID manufacturers, solution service providers, and industrial groups
3.Research Methogology: Face-to-face interviews (online included) by expert researchers, survey by telephone & email, and literature research
About RFID Solution Market
Information media for RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is roughly categorized into RFID tags and noncontact IC cards. As noncontact IC cards differ from RFID tags in forms of use, this research has ruled out noncontact IC cards and those products related to them. The RFID solution market refers to the market of RFID IC tags, related appliances (readers, writers, etc.) related systems (middleware, application software, etc.,) with the market size calculated based on shipment values at manufacturers (exchange rate US$1=JPY120). Note that active IC tags and their related devices and systems are not included in this research.
<Products and Services in the Market>
RFID solutions, IC tags, some related appliances (readers and writers), middleware, and application software, etc.
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