
WHATS Seminar Vol. 180 [Online] “Market Trends of Digital Transformation (DX) at Construction Sites”

WHATS Seminar Vol. 180 [Online] “Market Trends of Digital Transformation (DX) at Construction Sites” will be held online on Thursday, June 13, 2024.


[Seminar Overview]

Digital transformation (DX) at construction sites refers to technology trends related to hardware directly introduced to construction sites. Yano Research Institute Ltd. released a report on the latest trends of digital strategies of construction companies, ICT construction work, and labor-saving technologies at construction sites by uniquely categorizing five technology trends: 1) automation, 2) remote operation, 3) remote presence, 4) drone utilization, and 5) 3D printers for construction.

In this seminar, based on the contents of our recent market research report, market trends of DX at construction sites will be introduced.

1. Environment Surrounding the Construction Market

2. Automation

3. Remote operation

4. Remote Presence

5. Drone Utilization

6. 3D Printers for Construction


Lecturer: Hideaki Yokoyama, Chief Researcher, Consumer, Environment & Service Industry, Yano Research Institute Ltd.


Apply For the Seminar

(You will jump to the application page in Japanese.)


Please click here for more details including viewing method, cancellation policy, and recommended system requirements in Japanese. For inquiries in English, please click here.


Date and Time: 4:00 p.m. –5:00 p.m., Thursday, June 13, 2024

Fee: 5,000 yen (tax excluded) / 5,500 yen (tax included)

Application Deadline: 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 12, 2024



(TEL): +81 3-5371-6901

Customer Support Center

Yano Research Institute Ltd. (Organizer)


This seminar will be live-streamed through Deliveru*1.

Once your application is approved, “participant ID” will be notified to you on the day before the seminar.

*1: Deliveru is an online streaming platform of Facio Inc. Please click here to log in.


Note: This seminar will be conducted in Japanese.